I am officially so over this whole dreamtime show and tell business. One more night of this bullshit and I am so going to take it up with the Man or the Powers that Be or whomever the fuck is running the projection booth here. Granted, that requires me to figure out who that is and then find him.
But still.
[ ooc :: Throne has been purposefully quiet over the journals as to the dreams that he's been having, since he finds it a complete breech of privacy to talk about these things in public, especially given how uncomfortable any mention of his own dream has made him. His dream line up has been
Crow, and
McQueen -- out of which, Throne has been able to figure out Nova, Crow, and McQueen, all of whom he'll be making an effort to see once the dream business dies down. Last night, however, he dreamed
Want's dream -- which he recognizes from Want's description of it -- and is now particuarly bothered by the thought that other people have had the opportunty to see it, given how strange and oddly revealing he's found it to be about certain things and the fact that he's in it -- a reference, Throne feels, has something to do with
his most recently regained memory. ]