Why couldnt it be like it used to be........

Oct 13, 2005 15:53

So....basically i dont write that much on live journal...and i know most of you dont read my posts but i thought it was time i just put this out there...My life is really sucky right now!

Since January...my life has just gone a spirally crash towards hell...between family conflicts and shattering friendships i dont think i can take much more...

Its a constant battle for myself and trying to see happy all the time when deep down inside im nothing but filled with regret and sorrow...

As much as you guys may think "how gay is this kid?" i dont expect you to feel pity for my sake nor do i want you too...i just believe its something to be said and that it should be said! Since i came out as being Bi my family gives me nothing but shit and suspicion about everything i do now, my mom even thinks that i am belemic(spelling??) and like that just crushed me along with losing of friends all the time...life has never seemed so meaningless!

There is nothing i look forward to anymore, my obsession with being able to stay younger and have freedom and fun all the time has never been so strong. Growing older does nothing but bring about pain and suffering. Family presses down on you on every issue they can think of...friends begin to cause drama that you dont want to be involved in....people suck.....i suck.......the world sux........so much for gawd....religion is a bunch of shit.....no one cares for anyone else and we are all full of hatred.....

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