thanks vpikyle

Jan 20, 2004 04:31

1. What was the smartest thing you ever did and why?
Whenever I can cut my losses and walk away...

2. What do you think is your greatest strength? ...weakness?
My greatest strength is my own personal moral code. My weakness would either be my laziness/procrastination or my impulsiveness.

3. Have you ever been in love?

4. If you could live in any other time period which would you choose and why?
Either the 1960's or 100 years in the future. The 60's because it seemed so consequence-free and 100 years in the future, because I bet every disease could be cured and there would be few reasons to get off my ass since computers are doing all the work..

5. You've seen Rules of Attraction I assume. What theme, aspect, or scene in this film spoke to you the most?
Good question. There were so many things I liked about it.. The cinematography was excellent and added to it's edge. The characters were appealing, funny, and relatable and the story was amusing. It really captured how you can take yourself to extremes when you're in college, finally exposed to real life, and so many new things.


1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
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