
Jun 09, 2005 11:49

What makes me think...

- I can rise from this victorious?
- My western washed self can fend?

What are the rules to survival...


n 1: a state of surviving; remaining alive [syn: endurance] 2: a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment [syn: survival of the fittest, natural selection, selection] 3: something that survives

sur·viv·al ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sr-vvl)

n. The act or process of surviving.
The fact of having survived.
Something, such as an ancient custom or belief, that has survived.

I've been told it all. "don't worry... everythings gonna be okay" "hard times are followed by better" "you don't deserve this n' whoever put you in this position will get whats coming to them..."

You know what i'd have to say the latter is my fave in terms of... *cofs* BLSHT!!! K what do i care if that person gets whats coming to them. Less it means the world cuts me some slack. I couldn't give a rats ass if they got hit by a truck or not. Cos at this point... they mean nothing to me. So for something to happen to them n' it have meaning to me... is plain. Stupid. URggh... i don't know where any of this is going... like everything in my life.

So... didn't see oasis on monday. They were a no show. I keep fighting with Cristal. I don't now what do with that anymore. Am tired of people putting me in bad places. *le sigh*

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