Santa Baby

Dec 13, 2009 17:12

As I sit the world rolls by. Thoughts are as follows

1) Air force = no go until October by the earliest. Kind of disappointing. Im really bummed about it. I realize that right now its not what I was called to do, and that there is a time for everything. It just really sucks. My heart ached that day. The kind of ache that you get from unrequited love, except in this case the unrequited love was from an institution and not from a person

2) Got to call Melinda about stuff (this is important, I keep forgetting to call her)

3) Ken is kind of driving me nuts. I want to hang out with my other friends more. Went and saw the packers game with Kaveh and Dimitri, it was a ton of fun and kind of hilarious. Packers won! WOOT. But I do miss hanging out with Lizzie and Steph and my lady friends. Though Alex and I have some hilarity planned for this week. Also up for this week- BoB on Tuesday, Dancing on Monday, working late Tuesday and Thursday, Xmas party at Kaveh's Friday.

4) I am in love with Dancing. I love being twirled around the dance floor. The past 5 weeks of dancing have been absolutely thrilling. I love the blues and dancing to them is so sensual. The swing dancing is also amazing. The twirling! the spinning! the boys! I also like that I can be ladylike there. Its so much fun.

5) Boys: Ha!
-Lawrence is moved to DC. :( It is kind of a shame, since we hit it off really well. But that ended before thanksgiving
-went on a date with scottie- it did not go well and im glad that we are not going to be trying to go on more dates
-Elliot---> WELL. I met while dancing. He is one of Chris's friends from Law School and live out in DeKalb. Interesting. He invited me out to java jive on the friday I found out about the Air Force. I went, because I couldn't stand being alone. And we had fun dancing. Which is kind of impressive since i was in a funk. We went ice skating downtown on Sunday. It was wonderful. Had Hot Cider and Potbellies. YUM. Then We saw each other for dancing at Fizz again on Monday. I went out to Aurora see him for dinner Tuesday. And then I saw him yesterday as he came in to see me. He stayed over and we talked about everything. Which is lovely. It was very wonderful. He stayed over and left this morning. I had a dumb smile on my face all day today, and most of yesterday. We'll see. :)

Time to learn to love myself

crossing my fingers, hopeful, flirt

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