Things that amuse

Aug 21, 2009 21:00

1)that the question mark looks cool on the new layout ?????? Hah! (they look cooler in the title)
2) my dad buys bacon so that I can gain weight
3) I think that this is one of the nicer things that someone has done fore me
4) I thought I was full, and it turned out that I had only eaten 900 calories. So I ate 400 calories, give or take of cashews and soda.
5) I have spent all day on this scarf that Aidan better LOVE.
6) My recruiter called to tell me to eat cheeseburgers to gain weight

New poem starts tomorrow. I'm going to bed soon.

Went running today. :)

running times, weight, not amused, goals, plan, knitting, ugg, military, tired

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