((IC Post)) Frustrated...

Oct 18, 2010 03:11

...is the understatement of the century. I'm down right livid. Three weeks of trying to find records of the ranger unit I belonged to and nothing. NOTHING! It's like we fell off the face of Azeroth upon death. The only log with my name on it anywhere was the roster of my rising into the service of Lady Sylvanas. I knew not to ask the Dark Lady personally about the matter so, against my own better judgment,  I asked my dear sister Clea about the whole thing. As usual, the sight of me brings out her 'happy' side and she tries to accost me. Thankfully I had been training on the ghouls in the labs and was able to dodge most of it which, in turn, lead me to be able to get nothing out of her then a sneer. Why does she insist on hating me? In death are we not ALL equal? I said this to her retreating form and she replied, "You will -never- be equal to me!" and stalked off into whatever fess pit she lives in.  Having already garnered the attention of too many unwanted faces in the Undercity,  I made my way to Silvermoon.

I walked around aimlessly for quite a while, brooding and fuming until my Shadow was practically palatable before finally plopping myself on the very bench where only a few nights prier had been the resting place of the Doctor and a bevy of the usual beauties that flock to him like the thirsty to water. I laid down and tried to pull his lingering Shadow energy around me to calm myself when I was suddenly showered, rather unpleasantly, by heavy books. I opened my eyes and mouth to give the new found target of my rage a good verbal lashing, when I found myself staring into a perfect pair of elven eyes. They were, of course, attached to a equally hansom elven face that gave me an eerily familiar look of embarrassment. He was dressed in some older style robes that none the less marked him as a magister. He flustered and stuttered as he tried to manage an apology all the while attempting to gather up his books. He managed most of them but couldn't bring himself to reach between my legs,as I had one slung over the back of the bench the other foot on the ground, to get the last one. His nervousness and gentility made me smile and I told him that at least there was one gentleman left in Silvermoon and handed him the book. This prompted a wonderful discussion about politics and what is going right, what is horribly going wrong and how frustrating it can be that no one wants to get down and dirty to fix it.  He seems young in heart but if you are as good at seeing around masks as I am, you can tell he's struggling. I make no point to comment about the burn marks he is trying to hide or the fact he seems to not be able to see me very well, but his mind keeps me wrapped up in wonderful ideas until the morning peeks up over the walls. He leaps up from the bench, scattering his books all over the floor again. Giggling to myself at his renewed flustering I help him pick up again.  He bows and excuses himself and starts to race away, all dignity forgotten. I called after him but he did not turn. Never did catch his name.

After a quick stop back in Undercity to grab a few last messages and order slips for the Doctor I head home. Tired from more then lack of sleep I head to the manor house in hopes all of the beds were not occupied. Much to my surprise Doc was up and penning through some papers. Though I tried to backtrack and leave him to business he calls for me to stay, as always, and we chat a bit. I described the young man to him and he assured me that he will ask around. After a few minutes, he puts aside his ledger and wraps comforting arms around me. We rest in each others' company tonight. At least I will sleep well...        
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