100 days of good things : day 17

Nov 07, 2012 21:31

Day 17, 17th November: Had an amaretto coffee in town.

(See  http://child-of-chance.livejournal.com/150380.htmlhttp://child-of-chance.livejournal.com/150832.html ,  http://child-of-chance.livejournal.com/151183.html and  http://child-of-chance.livejournal.com/151306.html for previous posts)

This thing has run into trouble. Why? Well, several reasons.
  • Some days it's hard to think of a particularly good thing, so I end up with something pleasant but prosaic - and then feel rather depressed that it's the nicest thing I can come up with.
  • Some days I see something like a beautiful sunset that makes me feel happy - and then I think 'Oh good, now I don't have to try hard to find something' and that turns a pleasant thing into a box-ticking exercise.
  • Some days I'm feeling happy and busy and can't be bothered to write anything down - so I just make the notes for later, in a 'being efficient' kind of way.
  • Some days the act of having to play 'catch up' and write up notes turns into a chore - a self-imposed one, at that.
  • The other day I suddenly remembered a book from my childhood which I particularly disliked. It was called 'Pollyanna' and it was about a girl with a lot of problems in her life who maintained a sunny disposition by playing 'The Glad Game' and counting her blessings. God but I hated that self-righteous little girl! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollyanna
So, in summary, although I thought this was a nice concept and an aid to positive thinking, I'm afraid it just doesn't work for me personally. So I'm going to stop. And that gives me another good thing for today! Yay!

100 days

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