Stealing this from Meg because I'm always interested in this stuff and I never post here anymore.

Dec 13, 2006 12:13

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want, either good or bad. I promise not to come after you with a blunt weapon of some sort, either way.

When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your LJ and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you.


On an unrelated note, getting my wisdom teeth out? So much less painful than people were making it out to be. In fact, it didn't hurt. At all. EVer. I didn't even have to take painkillers. The bottom two were easy, apparently, because they were half-grown in, but the top two were completely impacted. But I woke up fine, if a little bloody, and since then I've been barely puffy and not at all in pain. Yay for having a surgery actually go right!
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