And I feel like I'm naked in front of a crowd 'cause these words are my diaries written out loud.

Oct 11, 2006 06:12

I hate the internet. It gives me far too many things to play with when I should be focusing on writing a paper so I don't have to stay up all bloody night on a relatively simple assignment. I think the internet actually makes me ADD. It nourishes and encourages and feeds my short and increasingly shorter attention span. I mean, come on, I'm bitching on livejournal about having things to distract me from my homework. It's ridiculous. You see what you do to me, internet? You suck. Except I'd be completely lost without you. I wish I knew how to quit you! (I should be stoned to death for even thinking of putting that quote anywhere in this post. Shame on me.)

It probably also does not help much that while I feel wired and awake right now, I haven't had very much sleep at all in the past couple days (aka I napped on my the way to the airport and on the plane ride and that's about it) and it's making my coherency a little shaky at best.

... Oh, yeah, by the way, I went home on Thursday. It was a complete culture shock for me, stepping onto a plane in cheerfully sunny and warm Florida and stepping back off into drizzly, wet, and cold mid-autumn Maryland. I'd known it wasn't going to be as bright and warm, yes, I even knew it was raining, but I'd completely forgotten about it being autumn. The leaves turning colors, the general dulled down feeling that comes with things starting the long process of shutting down for the winter, were just so completely bizarre to me. Since the weather down here has been pretty consistently summer-y the entire time I've been here, it really hadn't occurred to me how much time has past since I've been at college. It felt like I'd only been here for a couple weeks or so. The changing seasons really drove that point home for me pretty damn fast.

That said, besides my being utterly cranky about living in weather that actually went under 70, I had a good stay. I got to bond with my car, who I've missed terribly. Oh, and family and friends. I feel bad that my going to college is affecting my mother so much, but it's going to be good for easing her into the idea of me not living at home in the future, so. I spent a couple days just with her (and my dad a little) to make things a bit better.

But really? I feel like most of my stay was either at, or going to, or coming from, fucking Maryland. (University, not the state. Though I guess that applies to the state, too.) Most ridiculous campus ever, I've decided. I'll take my pretty and tiny campus over that big mess any day, thank you very much. It's all good, though. I got to spend some quality time with some super cool people that I've missed. And it's actually good that I saw them, because the first day or two that I was back I was honestly having doubts about there being anything good at all about going home ever and thinking I might just be better off staying at school. And then Steph and I geeked out with movies like Fern Gully and Kung Fu Hustle and it all went up from there.

I think I had a point I was trying to make somewhere in there. I got lost in the tangents to my tangents. See? Coherency, not really a big part of this post. But that's not really important.

... uh, what's important is that IMDB just informed me that they're making a sequel to Kung Fu Hustle and my day just got a little amazing.

Okay, internet, you've shown you're good for something, so I guess I'll keep you around.

Right after I finish this paper. Sigh.

EDIT: Rereading this, I should clearly not be allowed to make posts at three in the morning anymore. Because that's when this was written, even though for some reason it says I posted it at 6. Weird.
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