Carve your name into my arm. Instead of stressed, I lie here charmed, cuz there's nothing else to do

Sep 17, 2006 02:09

Cool points of the day go to Stephanie (sexephanie) and Celery because talking to them made me really happy. Because they're awesome people.

I thought I'd throw that out there to counteract the cryptic emo post I made last ... I'm battling it with a cryptic chipper post! Take that, internet!

Seriously, though, I'd give you kids updates and whatnot but I need to sleep because I'm not going to get another chance to until ... uh ... October? Tomorrow I've got prop swap (I'm pretty much the entire props running crew for the show, joy) and technical rehearsals and shiznit from ten in the morning until eleven at night, and somewhere in there I need to write a four page paper, and then there's rehearsals and shows and the like up until the 30th. I could've sworn September just started. Where'd it go so fast? Craziness.

Anyway, as usual, I hope you guys are all great. I've talked to a lot of you at least a couple times since I've left (and if you're one of the people I haven't talked to, shame on you! Yes, all of it on you and none of it on me because clearly the only way for us to keep in contact is for you to contact me and not the other way around! Man, this is a long mid-sentence interjection ...) so I have a ... nope, don't even remember what that sentence was anymore. That's a shame. I really need some sleep.

Toodles, children. Catch you on the flip side.
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