Feb 16, 2011 07:09
It’s 6.58 am. I’ve been up watching supernatural and spoony, and you know, drinking red wine and smoking on my balcony and you know what? FUCK
One life. Do everything. Love. Be scared. Take risks. Follow the urge inside you. Be as smart as you want to be, be as romantic as you want to be. Whenever you are scared remind yourself; I get one life, and, this could be my last day/night/morning.
Say I love you, to everyone you love, as often as you can.
And fuck, the people you want to fuck, as often as you can.
It’s 7.01am. The only woman I’ve been in love with, was never in love with me, my family, my friends, are my everything…and diet ice cream, isn’t actually horrible! I know right! who knew?!
Thing is, no one, is you. I have never loved anyone as I did you. And I was never that to you, never will be. I look forward to my lifetime of lovers, affairs, heartbreak. But I will always think back to you…
But I know now, that when I find her, she won’t be you.
She’ll be so much more; so will I.