- Did candy labs, me and Aimee were pretty disappointed, Drew told us they were so much fun yet they weren't. So then went to Classic Colt breakfast and sat with Aimee, Drew, Nicole, Katie, and some other cool people. Yeah donuts are good!
- Reviewed, I get it but when I do it I screw it, ha.
- Played some songs, so boring.
- Romeo & Juliet movie and then quiz.
- Movie parts from book, cool. Me and Emily had another of our laughing attacks <333
- My Life project, helped Nick with Spanish.
Then went to track meeting and we talked about some important things and then Jackie drove me home... Haha fun ride, we listened to sweet music and we are not very good singers, lemme tell ya. And then we talked about how music at Sadies sucked and stuff like that! I love Jackie Nemesi <3
Then came home for a bit and then went to the track team dinner at Jenny Friday's house... The food was AH-MAY-SING! And everyone was fun, we took pictures and I got some more graduation party invitations and senior pictures :) Coach Matt and Julie got into a serious set of Air Hockey games, wow.
Friday = tommorow! My mom is having a party tommorow for her birthday and she rented a ballroom and like 100 people are going, thank God I'm not!
Cedar Point = 2
Orchestra Banquet = 12
Track Banquet = 19
Last Day Of School = 22
My 15th Birthday = 57
Comments are sweet. Later kids*
Tania Lucia