i got my tortoise...!!!!
he's so cute, i have pictures of him...i dont know why, but they came out a bit blurry
...ohwell, you'll get the point...he's still cute
isnt he soo cute???
he's just a little baby
and....i've got another quiz.......heh
Seven years ago, it was October 10th 1998 =O
Take this quiz, post the results, and see how much things have changed since then.
7 years ago...
How old were you?
What grade were you in?
Where did you go to school?
Nichols School
Where did you work?
Where did you live?
Stratford and i think Norwalk or Seymour, im not sure
How was your hair style?
like shoulderblade length or shorter
Did you wear braces?
not yet...
Did you wear contacts?
Did you wear glasses?
Who was your best friend?
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?
i didnt have one
Who was your celebrity crush?
um...i dont think i had one
Who was your regular-person crush?
i dont remember...
Were you a virgin?
ugh...yeah....hello - 5TH GRADE!!
How many piercings did you have?
my ears were pierced
How many tattoos did you have?
What was your favorite band?
i dont know, either BSB or Red Hot Chili Peppers
What was your biggest fear?
i dont know...nothing
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?
Had you driven yet?
i had sat on billys lap and "steered"
If so what car(s) did you use?
i dunno...
Which of your pets were alive?
Casey...i miss Casey :(
Which members of your family were alive?
i dont know exactally...
Which members of your family were not born yet?
Nicholas, Benjamin, AJ, Karleigh, Ricky, Daniel, Amanda, (alot more....)
Did you know the person who posted this right before you?
nope ....didnt meet my sarah untill a couple years ago....