Aug 16, 2006 00:16
I feel like making a post about yesterday's travels. So, I wake up thinking I'm going to Cedar Point. Yes, the Roller Coaster capital of the world. I woke up to what I was thinking would be a day of fun, food, rides, barfing, eating again, and ect. Instead I woke up to "Let's go to the zoo. It's free day." WO-HOOO FREE DAY AT THE ZOO! Well, it was free. I didn't object. It was going to thunderstorm later anyway. Boy, you can't imagine the type of people that crowd around the Cleveland zoo on free day. I think the people were funnier than the animals. XD. Except this SEAL. This particular seal decided it wanted to relieve its sexual tension. In plain sight. So, it's humping this plastic thing for a good ten minutes. Of course I'm watching this. It's a seal, c'mon. So, anyway, these little kids are all "What's it doing?" I XDed. That's not the best part though. These kids are trying to get it to "talk" to them. So, when this seal's done with his business he lets out this giant moan. "Uuaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" I couldn't hold it in. I just kept laughing and laughing.
So, that was the zoo. After the zoo, I went to the Asian supermarket to buy some Mochi and gummys. Cost me a good $30. Worth it though. I got home and did my usual exercise routine. End day.