Infinite Undiscovery, Edward x Capell

May 08, 2010 23:12

Fandom: Infinite Undiscovery
Pairing: Edward x Capell
Theme set: Beta
Rating: K
Warnings: Edward-centric, sugarish angsty once-sided clueless romance, bad English, OOC
Notes: Capell x Aya and Edward x Sigmund strongly implied.

#01 - Walking
Capell's manners were completely different from those of Sigmund (hell, everything in Capell - except, perhaps, for his looks - was different from Sigmund), but still, there was something about the way he walked that reminded him of his leader.

#02 - Waltz
Edward stopped under the balcony to listen to Capell's beautiful song coming out of his old wooden flute, sure that he knew that waltz; he didn't want to ask the name of the song because he did have an idea of what Capell would answer.

#03 - Wishes
After so much time, Edward finally thought that his wishes for Lord Sigmund to come back were granted (though not exactly the way that he wanted).

#04 - Wonder
Right after Sapram's tragic incident, Capell's behavior drastically changed; alas, Edward was in awe with his Sigmund-like personality.

#05 - Worry
Edward so far had been a selfish stupid jerk, but Capell felt that he HAD to do something about the vermification; not only for the sake of all the others, but there was no other way for him to get some peace of mind.

#06 - Whimsy
Once in a while Capell had some "extravagant" ideas and Edward swore, for the hundreth time, that this would be the last time he would listen to the kid's ideas.

#07 - Waste
He had Sigmund's eyes, traits and, as Edward found later, his will; still, it was kinda shameful that he was so pathetic.

#08 - Whiskey and Rum
"No thanks, I'm not exactly a fan of alcohol", Capell refused when Balbagan offered him some spirits; Edward called him a "weakling" with some sort of a proud grim in his face as he took another sip of his own drink, though he actually felt his respect for the lad increase a little.

#09 - War
Edward never thought that someone other than Sigmund would ever motivate him in the middle of the fighting, but Capell's clumsy courage and the sound of fireing cannons and clashing swords made him think different.

#10 - Weddings
The first one to get married were Kristofer and Seraphina, then, who would've guessed, Touma and Koumachi; Edward was happy for Capell and Aya, but he know how much he would miss him.

#11 - Birthday
The only reason why Edward was opening that gift box was because Capell was insisting to the point of being annoying (more than the usual, that was) and he already knew by his unsuccessful attempt of hiding a grimmace that Sigmund's boy was up to something.

#12 - Blessing
Seeing all the others receiving their blessings was really a unique experience, but seeing Edward receiving his felt somehow different.

#13 - Bias
Sometimes Capell felt that Edward treated him like that only because the warrior saw Sigmund in him, even after the vermification occurrences.

#14 - Burning
Edward didn't know exactly how he would explain to Capell how it felt to get the blessing; he thought of something like "it is like like being surrounded by love and light, but in a bad way", but thought that "a burning sensation" would describe it better.

#15 - Breathing
Capell felt his heart beating in relief when, sneaking into Edward's room at night, he heard his friend's deep lazy breathing after a week of sleepless nights.

#16 - Breaking
Everything was falling down to ruins for Capell: his friends' death, the truth behind his tragic past... but still, Edward didn't have the guts to give his leader (or, maybe, more than that, his new best friend) something more than a pat in his shoulder.

#17 - Belief
Since he was under Sigmund's leading, Edward always knew that such destiny was too much of a burden for a single person to undertake, but whenever he looked at Capell's smiling eyes, he believed that they were going to make it.

#18 - Baloon
Before Edward could ask what the hell he was going to do with that, Capell, Rico and Rucha left the warrior in the middle of the square with a blue baloon hanging on his right hand.

#19 - Balcony
The warrior knew that Sigmund's boy would stand at the balcony exactly as his father would do whenever he was worried, sad or anxious, and the loyal knight would always stand only a few meters away, watching over him.

#20 - Base
He was acting more harshly with everyone lately and everbody understood his feelings, but Edward was probably the only one that saw the always high-spirited Capell nearly collapsing.

#21 - Quiet
It was always weird when Capell was not being his noisy self; it almost always meant that something wasn't right.

#22 - Quirks
Capell definitely had a different way to solve problems and though non could be considered "princely", they always worked somehow.

#23 - Question
Capell smirked at Edward's blushing face after purposedly asking the warrior if there was someone he loved.

#24 - Quarrel
Considering their own stormy beginning, Capell knew that their brawling wouldn't be the last almost as well as he knew that it wouldn't last for long.

#25 - Quitting
Edward mentioned that he was giving up his work at the office because he wanted to spend some time by himself in the mountains; truth is that he couldn't take his mind off Sigmund's kid.

#26 - Jump
Edward had to admit that those years as a "coward" (Capell always called himself a "pacifist") turned his new leader into a very nimble fighter.

#27 - Jester
"What an idiot" is what he would've thought of Aya's boyfriend if they were facing each other under those conditions in the past; now the warrior would just join the laughter.

#28 - Jousting
Since Sigmund's glorious days Edward didn't have such a good fight, even when Capell wasn't really in the mood for fights.

#29 - Jewel
During one of their training fights a single rubi-like stone fell from Capell's sword (the one that once belonged to Sigmund) and Edward was about to return it at the moment he saw it, but he just felt a somewhat agonizzing urge to keep it with him.

#30 - Just
Whenever Edward gave into Rico and Rucha's games, Capell couldn't avoid smiling at the all-so-righteous blue knight being a little more simple-minded at least at those moments.

#31 - Smirk
"You do know that you can't trick me when you're smiling like that, right?" the knight said when he noticed his friend's attempt to hide a mocking smile.

#32 - Sorrow
He avoided eye contact with Aya because he felt guilty himself for leaving his friend behind with the weight of the world in his hands.

#33 - Stupidity
The vermification events made Edward feel kinda guilty for his own behaviors towards Sigmund's son since they met.

#34 - Serenade
Capell would eventually paly his flute to cheer his party up, but he would also play for apparently no one in particular, hoping that the sound of the instrument would get to the knight in blue sleeping in the room next door.

#35 - Sarcasm
Edward always thought that, between he and Capell, he was the sarcastic one; alas, when Capell raised a single eyebrow hearing Ed's "great plans" for the night, he started to rethink about that.

#36 - Sordid
Capell blushed for his own thoughts after seeing a shirtless Edward getting out of the shower.

#37 - Soliloquy
"Calm down, Ed", he told himself in one of those moments when anyone else didn't seem to be paying any attention to what he was doing - moreover saying; "he is not Sigmund; he's a completely different person" but gosh, how stunning Capell looked in that armor.

#38 - Sojourn
When he thought about it, everything was as before, but now they didn't have Sigmund around and not too much time had passed since then; still, why did the memories of that silly kid insisted in remaining in his mind?

#39 - Share
Capell cut the apple he was about to eat and gave his friend the other half; Edward was not really hungry, nevertheless he willingly accepted the fruit.

#40 - Solitary
Riding his horse all alone suddenly gave Edward an awfully agonizing sensation of utter loneliness, even if he raised his eyes to the moon, thinking that Capell could be still alive and equally alone up there.

#41 - Nowhere
That night Capell dreamt he was somewhere he didn't know, surrounded by people he had never seen; he thought he saw a young black-haired knight dressed in blue and tried to reach out to him, but in the next moment he was nowhere to be found.

#42 - Neutral
Whenever Capell and Aya had a fight, Edward would just sit, be a good friend and listen to the kid's complaints, with a really, really small flame of hope that he might actually have a chance with him.

#43 - Nuance
A couple of difficulties on the relationships, fights, losses, vermifications and recocilliations had been enough for Edward to know Capell's mood shifts even by the way he frowned or faked a smile.

#44 - Near
After a lot of stormy conversations, Capell was finally able to caress Edward's face with tenderness rather than wanting to punch him right in the middle of his nose.

#45 - Natural
Edward had always been willing to tell Capell that there was something noble in him and seemed to have been born with him.

#46 - Horizon
Capell had always wanted to tell Edward that no distance seemed too far with him by his side.

#47 - Valiant
Edward kne that he should've kept his mouth shut if he didn't want to hear an "I know" from Capell when he said that "You're already a fine warrior, almost as much as Sigmund".

#48 - Virtuous
The blue knight knew, from the moment that the lad played a song just for him, that there was no one else on Earth that could play the flute better than him.

#49 - Victory
They smiled at each other when their eyes met, for both knew that when they were fighting together, victory seemed like a natural consequence.

#50 - Defeat
From far away, the knight watched silently as Capell and Aya went somewhere else; he was glad that Capell was so happy, but why did that smile made his heart hurt so much?

challenge, infinite undiscovery

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