Fight Club, The Hobbit, The Amazing Spiderman, Game of Thrones

Apr 22, 2014 00:52

Gaah, I'm lagging so helplessly behind on my posts it's not even funny.

Okay, so I have been watching a couple of movies, following up with a couple of series and doing a lot of other things of which I can't even keep account. Which also gets me to the conclusion that I'm not going to renew my LJ+ account. I'm obviously still going to update it, I still love LJ, but I just don't have the time to keep up regular updates. Seriously, I have been making only weekly posts WHEN I actually manage to find some time and patience to write them. As with many people, LIFE happened to me, and it's a good thing. But I still want to keep writing about the things I've been watching, the games that I've been playing, stuff like that. Besides, the LJ service is not THAT good that makes me want to actually pay to keep it. The whole icon idea is pretty cool and something that I haven't seen in any other blog services, but the text editor has been in desperate need for improvements. I even kinda gave up the idea of posting my Project Euler solutions because the code editing is awful (and I haven't been having time to work on any more Project Euler problems because of the post-grad and the other courses).
(beware, there may be spoilers about the things that I mentioned in the title!)

And speaking of watching, here are the couple of late comments I have regarding the last movies and series that I've been watching.

First of all, Fight Club. I had already read the book (and didn't really like it), so the plot twist didn't really come out as something surprising, but it was still an interesting movie. Not good enough to make it to my annual top ten list though.
(off topic, it's going to be tough to decide which are my ten favorite movies this year. I have watched 19 movies and we're not even in the middle of the year)
One thing that I realized about reading a book before watching the movie is how interesting it is to make comparisons between both kinds of media representations. For an instance, while most of the book adaptation was well made, I imagined Marla quite different from the chosen actress. I imagined someone looking more like Rose from the Doctor Who series. As for the ending adaptation, I thought that the movie was more interesting than the book's ending (but was the penis scene really necessary??).

And since we're talking about book-to-movie adaptation, here's another one that I read the book before watching the movie:

The movie was pretty good, but it's been so long since I read the book that I honestly don't remember how the book goes (but it definitely goes a lot faster than the movie. Was it really necessarily to turn the whole thing into a trilogy??). It was a fun movie, but nothing really remarkable. I also must mention that I must have short attention spam, because I paused the movie more than 10 times to do something else otherwise I wouldn't be paying attention to it anymore.

And the last book-to-TV adaptation:

I FINALLY finished reading A Dance With Dragons (and would make a post with comments about it and everything that I read so far, but I'm betting I won't have the time to write a long post, so I won't make any promises) and I believe that now I'm not only free of spoilers, but I also have a great idea of what's about to happen for the next three or four seasons.
Even though I already know who's going to live and die in the fourth season of the Game of Thrones TV series, I can't wait to see HOW these scenes are going to be depicted. I'm not posting any spoilers for now, but I'm dying to make a post only talking about it!
As for the two first chapters of Season 04, there are already a couple of differences between the series and the books (for an instance, I believe Jaime hadn't reached King's Landing before Joffrey's wedding - in fact, I don't think Cersei actually interacted with Brienne. Also, Brienne never got a chance to take a good look at Sansa's face), but I do like the way the TV series are making a couple of things a bit different.

Last movie to talk about:

The Amazing Spiderman! So far, the best movie I've watched this year. I have several comments to make about this movie, mostly regarding morality rather than the movie itself, but there are a couple of things that I would like to quickly comment while they are still fresh in my mind:
- Gwen Stacy is so much better than Mary Jane in the movie. I don't follow up with Spiderman comics nor read much of it when I was younger, so I'm not exactly familiar with how things really went, but I have to say I'm awfully happy that this movie didn't use the "damsel in distress" thing to portray Gwen. She is actually a helpful support character!! I really hope that Marvel and DC realize that this is a path that most girls would like to see in a super hero's movie rather than the princess that needs to be rescued.
- Peter Parker... I honestly didn't like Andrew Garfield's interpretation of the character. It really bothered me that he didn't seem able to finish any of his sentences. But I loved his role as a sarcastic Spiderman.
- Parkour cameras. Seriously, they were awesome.
- That "friendship" with Flash was shoved into the movie just so that the guy who bullied the nerds didn't seem such a bad figure, but it was awful, really. And how come people find it okay that bullies act that way? Pretty much every super hero media makes US schools look like an Asylum. Or a zoo.
- The police sees a giant lizard loose on the city and carrying a lethal biological weapon, but decides to go for Spidey's capture instead?? Really??
- Gwen's father starts an investigation on the lizard guy, but makes absolutely no progress. Did I miss something?

I have a lot more to talk about this movie, but will leave it for another day (IF I ever remember - or have the time to write about it, for that matter).

movies, a song of ice and fire

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