#2, #3 tutorial

Dec 24, 2008 20:28

I was a bit bored and I thought that I would have great fun with my dear Photoshop 8D.
While playing I came up with two results.
I really like them - I wish if they could help you ;D.

#2 Donghae & Shiwon colouring

* Photoshop CS4
* Easy
* Translateable
* .psd? Yes.

Other result

Step 1
Make Curves layer

input: 155
output: 130

Step 2
Make Selective Color layer

Reds: 34, 23, 56, -4
Yellows: 100, 100, 100, -100
Whites: 34, 100, -23, -23
Set opacity to 36%.

Step 3
Make Color Fill layer

Color: #d9b974
Mode: Soft Light
Opacity: 30%

Step 4
Make Color Balance layer

Midtones: -23, -7, 14
Shadows: -12, 9, 45
Highlights: 10, 3, -10

Step 5
Make Color Fill layer

Color: #773d3d
Mode: Exclusion
Opacity: 34%

Step 6
Make Hue/Saturation layer

saturation: 34

Step 7
Make Channel Mixer layer

Red: 100, -20, 6
Green: 4, 100, 0
Blue: 5, 5, 95

Step 8
Make Selective Color layer
I wanted only Donghae's lips be more red, so at the end of this step I erased a bit of background, 'cause it was to red for me.

Reds: -100, 34, 56, 2
Yellows: 23, 23, 23, -23
Whites: 0, 0, 0, 34
Neutrals: 21, 2, 7, 7

Step 9
Another Hue/Saturation layer

saturation: 13

Step 10
Curves layer now

input: 152
output: 160

Step 11
Make Levels layer

RGB: 3; 1,00; 234
Red: 4; 1,00; 234
Green: is OK
Blue: 5; 1,03; 255

Step 12
Make the last Color Fill layer

Color: #1f1c45
Mode: Exclusion
Opacity: 78%

Step 13
Duplicate you base and drag it on the top. Set this one to Soft Light
opacity: 78%
fill: 71%

V'oila 8DD.

If you want .psd, you can have it here

#3 Heechul colouring

* Photoshop CS4
* Easy (i suppose... ;D.)
* I think translatable
* .psd? Yes.

Other examples

Step 1
Make Selective Color layer

Reds: -100, 21, -23, 0
Yellows: 100, 12, -45, 23
Whites: 0, 0, 0, -35
Neutrals: 15, 5, 9, 14

Step 2
Make Channel Mixer layer

Red: 100, -17, 0
Green: 4, 100, 0
Blue: -12, 0, 100

Step 3
Make Color Fill layer

Color: #0c0a34
Mode: Exclusion
Opacity: 52%

Step 4
Make another Selective Color layer

Reds: -21, 12, 0, -12
Yellows: 100, 0, -12, -23
Whites: 0, 0, 0, -35
Neutrals: 23, -2, 16, -6

Step 5
Make Curves layer

input: 176
output: 167

Step 6
Make Channel Mixer layer

Red: 109, -6, -3
Green: 0, 100, -3
Blue: is OK

Step 7
Make Color Balance layer

Midtones: -12, 7, -3
Shadows: -2, 9, 5
Highlights: -12, 4, 12

Step 8
Make Color Fill layer

Color: #66e1e2
Mode: Color Burn
Opacity: 24%

Step 9 (last one)
Make Curves layer

input: 170
output: 165

And done!

You can get .psd here.

Did you notice that Heechul and Jonghyun have very similar mimic at icons? xP.

I'm just after Christmas dinner. It was great<3.
I love Christmas.
Even if i hate telling wishes. I don't know why. I have never known what I'm supposed to say to anybody.When class christmas dinner comes around I just want to run away, screaming.
Hate it, hate, hate it >>.
But this good part of today's are... presents! I know - it sounds as if I was materialistic. But I'm not. I'm just happy, because my parents bought me a set to decorate nails from my dreams <3. It's georgus. Tommorow my mother's hand is going to be a place, where I'm going to make my evil experiments XD.
Buhahaha! XD.

I noticed that I'm starting to be hooked on Whee Sung's voice x_X.
♥Love his timbre♥

I'm also curious about one thing.

Do you like this one?
It's my first try in making "friends only" banners ^__^.

program: photoshop, tutorial

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