Continental for life!

Jul 05, 2005 22:48

Wow..sorry it's been a while since I updated. Right now I am still on tour witht he Continentals. I want to give a shout out to everybody at church...and Heather and Soraya. I miss you all very much.Tour is a lot of fun...and if you love to sing...then I highly reccomend it. Choreography was really hard when we first started out but our show is totally awesome. I can't wait to bring the video home and show you guys. I have to wear make-up EVERYDAY!! It's actually kinda scary. I also got to see mount rushmore and got to the experience the music in Seattle. I have had some really wacked out host families too...but those stories will be saved for when I get back/on teh way to mexico.It is such a big family and we get to know eachother soooo well. I love them all. I will be torn to come home becuase I have changed and grown in a lot of ways...our entire tour has...and I don't want to leave them but I also hope that you guys will still love me just as much when I get back as you did when I left. I hope that I have been missed too. I can't wait to go to mexico with everybody. I hope Shad is really gotta let me know!!! Please let me know if anything else has changed...I feel really outta the loop right now. I love all you guys...and hope that if I sent you a letter...that it made it to you. If it didn't ,then I appologize profusely becuase I either didn't have your address or ddin't get a chance to write. If you want a letter and havent gotten one...I will write you when I get Anywayz...please post that way I can hear from you guys or you can email I will do my best to email you/post back but please please do one of these. thanx a bunch...hope you have a great day

My friend Lindsey says HI to everybody!!
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