Schools starting...AHHHH!!!

Aug 15, 2004 12:27

Even thought I have been at camp for 2 weeks...Im still a little nervous about school starting. Thursday night at Campus life...there were 3 of us that had birthdays so they threw us all a party. It was fun...we just hung out...and they are all really wacked out. On Friday night we were supposed to have a band an ice cream social but we didnt...and I felt bad cuz I had already told Claire that I couldnt come to their me and a group of my friends went to Lazer Qust. We havent done that in a really lon time. I love Lazer Quest. We played 3 games and then went home. Last night I went to Sancuary and then helped Zach V. and Mike put together the youth table that was in the back this morning. We had fun. There was too much psychoticness in 1 This morning I got up and went to church and then after...Jordan T. and I went to TC's for some good eatin. We sorta skipped out on SS but thats ok....cuz it was fun. We were gunna take our taco's back but ended up sitting in my car and eating then in the parking lot while talking about life. I love our deep maeningful conversations that Jordan and I have (SBC ALL THE WAY)...(Thats for you too Jessica).After we ate our taco's we went back and came just in time to do the group discussion. I plan to now go shopping for a couple last minute things for school. Oh yah....yesterday...after searching long and hard all over town...I finally got a backpack.Its a really Kool Jansport. I can take the camel back bladder and put it in my bag with teh plastic thingy that you drink ater out of...and it can go through my backpack. Well anywayz...Im off to go shopping/make Bev and Greg some dinner (They moved into a new house so my mom volunteered us and then its gunna be me cuz shes got other stuff to do) Happy schooling everybody...ttyl
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