Barges...hard rock cafe...and midnite masacres

Aug 08, 2004 12:29

Hey everbody!! Today is the big officailly 16!!!but most of you already knew that. Yesterday I met some friends at HRC for some eatin....only we were supposed to do it on one of the barges in the river except that it poured down we ate inside....but it was still really good. Thanx to all who got me gifts (i liked them all!) After that I hung out at home for a little while...and then went to Sanctuary. I didnt go out cuz I was relaly tired. Sue and Molly Schwencke...Melissa Marquez...Erica...adn Corrin Corbierre all masacred me at midnite. THey woke me up by jumping on me/my bed and told me I wasnt allowed to comb my hair or change. (I was wearing my TRIX pajamas) They got me in the car and gave me a bag and said that I had to use one of the articles of clothing while we were at Kripy Kreme (at like 1230) they had 3 things in teh bag. A bra (33 DD) (Old Lady underwear (XXL) and they accidently stuck really pretty lip gloss in the bag. I went for the lip gloss most definately. I had a guy walk up to me and said that he liked my outfit (joking of course). After that they guy at Krispy Kreme gave us free donuts. We bought another one for each of us too. I got a raspberry filled one (YUM-YUM)They stuck 16 candles in that one jelly donut (my donut became holy) then sang happy birthday to me. I ended up eating a little candle wax too. lol..then they took me home. That was fun. I had a relaly crazy dream this morning too (I think it was the donuts) I dreamed that my dad came into my bedroom and took me out into the garage. (If you don't know...I go a new guitar case which Ive been needing)When he took me out there He had the case and when he opened it...there was my beaustiful new electric acoustic guitar I've been wanting. Too bad it was just a dream tho. At least I got half of the gift (the case) THis morning I woke up and me and my family ate cinnamon rools for my tradition. The only thing Im doing today is spending the rest of my day at the church. We have practice and youth......thanx to all who made my birthday really made me relaly happy!!!!!!!!!!!!

A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.
John Barrymore
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