Yep. It's one of those days. Took my 20th Century Theatre Final today and I think I did okay...can't really be sure. >< Dunno if I really did the best that I could do (though I tried really, really hard and studied hard as well)...and right now, all I can do is hope and pray that I did well. -.- That's 2 finals down (I had my Japanese final last Friday), and 2 more to go now before I can go home.
Tonight I'm studying mainly for my British Lit. Final (tomorrow 8-10...erg...) and then a little bit for American Realism (tomorrow 3-5...erg...again [lol]), though I think that I'm mostly going to study for that one after the British Lit final tomorrow, considering that I will have a good amount of time inbetween my first final and that one to really study well.
After that, it's a night of getting ready to go home on Thursday (yay!). ^^ And then...once I get's back to work, lol. That's right. I think I'm going back to work on either Friday or Saturday...not really sure though. I need to call Rich (my boss) tomorrow and see when he has me scheduled. He was originally going to have me start work on Thursday afternoon right as I got into town...but he changed his mind. Thought it would be a little too stressful on me to start work THAT quick...though I wouldn't mind. Money is money. ^^;; And I really want to save up some extra cash for when the band goes to Disney World. I wanna try and get a new bank there...maybe TinkerBell one. *-* Ah, that would be sweet...
All right. I think that's enough for now. I was just taking a quick break before my brain exploded on me...again...and now I must get back to sudying. ><; Later tonight Sadie's coming over and we're going to continue studying together (since we both have the same final tomorrow morning) so I hope she's SLEEPING right now like she SUPPOSED to be.... >> ::puffs up::
I'M WATCHING YOU SADIE!!!!! >< ::scurries::