May 27, 2006 13:06

So I just got back last night from a week in New York and I'm still wondering why I even came back. I could have stayed there for much much longer and been not at all bored for quite some time. I'm gonna miss the crazy crack heads wandering the streets they make your days very interesting.

While I was there I did very little tourist stuff cause it just didn't appeal to me so I wandered around aimlessly until I found something fun to do. While wandering I ran into John C. McGinley (Dr. from Scrubs) and also Julia Stiles, but seeing famous people randomly was nothing compared to seeing the most awesome person of all who happens to be Caroline McCredie :D

Spent many nights at the bar in the Lower East Side of the city which is like a completely different world from uptown and just as much fun (though I found the people in Lower East Side to be nicer than the rich uptown folk). Oh well can't think of really much more to say other than New York was a blast and I hope I get to go back there soon.

Never have I seen so many suits.

If you can't find it here you're not going to find it.

I got lost one day and found myself here.

And I thought these buildings were tall.

That kid was having so much fun.

This one is for you Brian.

Just so you know the movie is VERY misleading this place is a hole in the wall and not very fun.

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