Apr 16, 2009 11:40
Sadly this pregnancy isn't going anywhere :(
I started spotting just a *tiny* bit on Tuesday night, was the same yesterday morning, but by yesterday afternoon, it was a lot heavier.
Last night it was the same - not heaps, but enough to be a nuisance - and not having any pads (oh, except for some silly little panty liners) I made the executive decision to use my cup. As it turns out, that was the best thing I could have done. This morning the cup was full to overflowing :(
I have been in text contact with my fantastic midwife, Margaret, and she said she will call me later, and suggested a referral to the recurrent miscarriage clinic - it is such a relief to finally have that option! I have grabbed it with both hands!!
I seem to have leaky eyeball syndrome quite constantly today, which is for the best, as after my last miscarriage I couldn't cry... for 6 freakin' months! This way is much healthier, tho much more inconvenient - but then, that's miscarriage all over, isn't it - a great big fucking black hole of inconvenience and despair.