MissingNO TCG

Mar 09, 2010 08:45

Card Total: 508

Current Deck: Shinx 13/20

Croconaw 20/20

Meowth 13/20

Future Pile

Trade Pile

Friend Cards


Mastered Decks Total: 75

Old Logs

Held/ Pending Trades


2010.08.09 - Tall Grass: [used jessie & jigglypuff] jigglypuff11, pikachu12, growlithe11 -6HP
2010.08.09 - Tic Tac Togepi: [used jessie & jigglypuff] cubone06, buizel02, Magost Berry, 187 PD -12HP
2010.08.09 - Mistys Lure: [used jessie & totodile] milotic18, dewgong01, psyduck06, -9HP
2010.08.09 - Safari Zone: lotad06
2010.08.09 - Safari Zone: cherubi19
2010.08.09 - Safari Zone: mismagius17
2010.08.09 - Safari Zone: starmie19
2010.08.09 - Upcoming Decks: ralts01, gastly18
2010.08.09 - Princess Training: [used jessie & totodile] lyra01, koga15, barry03, ltsurge01, Chople Berry, Qualot Berry, 191 PD -15HP
2010.08.09 - Jubilife TV Lotto: ninetales15 -200PD
2010.08.09 - Tricky Lock: [used jessie & totodile] cherubi03, gengar12, vibrava04, abra05, moltres01, Cornn Berry, Kasib Berry, 175 PD -17HP
2010.08.09 - Whos That Pokemon?: [used jessie & totodile] igglybuff03, riolu07, teddiursa10, Aspear Berry, Wacan Berry, 93 PD -23HP
2010.08.09 - Psyducks Memory: [used jessie & totodile] chinchou03, mudkip17, james01, magikarp05, Wacan Berry, 199 PD -22HP
Traded great ball for seadra06.
Traded Kristina Mantyke09 and seadra06 for shinx05 and croconaw03.
Traded Mamori horsea14/15, kris06, metapod12, mightyena09, seadra06/09 for shinx11/16, croconaw06/09/19, feraligatr02, james10.
Traded Aimee mareep08 for meowth07, friend cards.
Traded Ayay spheal07 for shinx02.
Traded Kahare shuckle13 for vulpix15.
Traded J-chan dragonair04/19 for james02, vulpix05.
Traded Xtine houndour19 for vulpix18.
Traded barbar flareon03, machop04, togetic04, weedle08 for shinx03, feraligatr18, james06/12.
2010.08.14 - Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Repeat Ball for croconaw13
2010.08.14 - Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Great Ball for croconaw11
2010.08.14 - Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Great Ball for croconaw10
2010.08.14 - Piplups Puzzle: [used jessie & totodile] azurill20, spheal14, igglybuff07, Master Ball, 166 PD -24HP
2010.08.14 - Tricky Lock: [used jessie & totodile] charmeleon08, ralts14, magnemite08, turtwig05, celebi12, Qualot Berry, Repeat Ball, Charti Berry, 193 PD -19HP
2010.08.14 - Safari Zone: starly17
2010.08.14 - Safari Zone: beldum15
2010.08.14 - Upcoming Decks: dawn01, lucario13
2010.08.14 - Pokemon Center: Completely restored jigglypuffs HP for 1260 PD
2010.08.14 - Pokemon Center: Completely restored totodiles HP for 1290 PD
2010.08.14 - Princess Training: [used jessie & jigglypuff] giovanni03, ash01, brock03, Mago Berry, Super Potion, 53 PD -25HP
2010.08.14 - Jubilife TV Lotto: oddish17 -200PD
2010.08.14 - Whos That Pokemon?: [used jessie & jigglypuff] flaaffy01, bellsprout08, Leppa Berry, Passho Berry, 183 PD -11HP
2010.08.14 - Unown Unscramble: [used jessie & jigglypuff] plusle03, turtwig15, bagon11, Micle Berry, Net Ball, 143 PD -30HP
2010.08.14 - Psyducks Memory: [used jessie & jigglypuff] persian06, lotad10, phanpy10, Ultra Ball, 116 PD 0HP
Traded Card Swap bellsprout12, croconaw06, dewgong01, persian12/15, dragonite16, growlithe11, igglybuff17, james13, spoink02 for hoppip02, meowth17, smoochum17, omanyte15, gold03, profoak14, wartortle03, jenny12, arcanine08, clefable19.
Traded Zags gengar12, skarmory12, swampert09 for croconaw14, giovanni03, koga09.
Traded Bear barry08, sableye09, bagon01, snorlax12 for wigglytuff20, eevee15, vulpix03, jolteon16.
Traded Sunny misdreavus08 for ninetales06 and friend cards.
Traded Lethe growlithe14 for vulpix02 and friend cards.
Obtained luxio07 and sandshrew11 from the update.
Traded J-chan torterra02/05/19 for feraligatr11, giovanni10. sabrina12.
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