The Saint
My Saint fandom is entirely book-based. I've seen the Val Kilmer movie, and found it palatable as a late-90s action flick, but the only similarity it bears to the Leslie Charteris character is the name and the ability to don disguises and steal things; my personal fanon regarding the film is that Young Val Kilmer was, in fact, reading The Last Hero in class, and went on to model his life upon the fictional character. I've also seen some of the Roger Moore TV show, and although that bears a lot more resemblance to the books' character, it's the later books, and when I write, I'm writing the early ones, wherein Simon is a lot more buccaneering (and, most importantly, works with a gang of Halos).
I ship Simon/Roger, Norman Loves Pat, and Simon Generally Likes To Sleep Or At Least Flirt With All His Halos Just As He Does With All The Other Supporting Characters. I hold that all of these are equally canon - Norman/Pat, of course, is explicit, and Simon/Roger is in my view just as much so although less overtly expressed.
My fanon, some of which can be backed up with passing references from the books and some of which I think I just made up:
- Roger's a native Londoner, a member of the upwardly mobile middle class, whose parents moved to Shropshire some time shortly before or shortly after he met the Saint. His middle name (which is Jen's addition) is Henry. Somewhat jokingly, I have declared that the reason he goes to those house parties in Shropshire is that he is wooing a girl named Euphonia Muriel Smith, who is the sister of one Rupert Eustace Psmith whom you might wot of.
- Simon's parents were probably not surnamed Templar. He is probably an orphan, and was raised by his grandmother. He has no living relatives.
- Pat will eventually bear him a son, the upbringing of which Simon may or may not be involved with.
P.G. Wodehouse
I don't like the Blandings books. This includes Leave It To Psmith. I roleplay Psmith in an lj rpg comm, and so have a pretty established fanon for rpg Psmith which doesn't really coincide with anything and was mostly made up for the RP's sake. I adore the Jeeves books, but don't trust myself to write fic there, as I am incapable of capturing Bertie's voice. Psmith I can write, because he's got a third-person omniscient narrator and lots of dialogue, and if there's one thing I pride myself on it's the ability to write snappy dialogue.
I ship Jeeves/Wooster and Mike/Psmith.
The most pertinent piece of fanon here involves completely ignoring the whole Ronald thing re: Psmith's name. Also, as shown in the Crossoverse, I wholly subscribe to Wodehouse's assertion in the introduction to later editions of Mike & Psmith that he grows up to be Perry Mason.
Dorothy Sayers
I adore Lord Peter Wimsey, and although I don't have any ships or fanon to put here, I felt he needed to be represented on the list.
I have watched a lot, though not all, of this show, and have enough familiarity with it to read and enjoy fic, although not enough to write it.
I ship Sheppard/McKay.
Noir lit
I ship Marlowe/Terry Lennox, Marlowe/Red, Archie/Nero and Archie/Saul, and firmly believe that the Continental op's coworker Dick Foley was intended to be a gay character.
Torchwood & Doctor Who
I've watched all of Torchwood and some Who; no fanon here, and I'm not comfortable writing here either - really, I'm most comfortable writing in literary fandoms, and I'm not entirely sure why - but I've got ships.
Jack/everybody, of course; Ianto/Jack; Doctor/Master.
I admit it's awfully early to be fanning this show, since it's not even on the air yet, but from what I've seen in previews and stuff, I'm pretty confident that Hirondildo is the OTP to end all OTPs.
Patrick O'Brian
Aubrey/Maturin and Killick/Silver win at life.
Things I like, but don't really consider FANDOMS, include Pirates of the Caribbean (Jack/Will/Elizabeth OT3 FTW), Harry Potter (still haven't read Deathly Hallows, and don't have a particular ship in canon, but tend to like reading Harry/Draco fics), Blue Beetle/Booster Gold in DC Comics (everything I know about them I know from scans_daily and boostle), LOTR (tend to prefer gen fics here), and I'm probably forgetting some.
If there were a Plunkett & Macleane fandom, I'd be there twice. P/M Is Snarky Love, which is my very favourite kind.