After not posting for more than 2 months, I thought it will be easy for me to post an entry. After all, there’s been a lot going on lately and there are interesting stories to tell. But instead I found myself staring at a blank editor. With just a title typed.
Okay, let me try.
I had an interesting summer. My cousin (together with her family) went home for a vacation and I finally met my niece. I know I’ve mentioned many times how I dislike kids but upon meeting her I think I had a change of heart. She’s just too cute and adorable. I even baby sit her and to my surprise I had a great time. My arms are sore the next day though. I don’t know if I really like kids or just her. We’ll see.
Two new babies arrived namely Kyoti and Casey. I had to retire my old pc, had some parts changed, and then lend it to my cousin. Kyoti is my new pc. He’s been one of the many favorite things residing in my bedroom. Another new baby is Casey, my Casio CTK-230 keyboard. It’s supposed to be a kid’s keyboard but when it comes to playing this kind of instrument, I am still a “kid”. So what the heck?
Zsa Zsa Zaturnnah Ze Muzikal is the funniest play I’ve seen lately. Laugh trip from start to end. K Brosas and the actor who played Didi are the two people who made it hilarious. Love it.
And for almost a month now we’ve been living without the folks. I must say that it’s hard and great at the same time. Deciding on what food to prepare everyday is very difficult but also fun. Paying the bills, thinking about the daily budget, doing chores (though most of the time I am not included in this hehehe) - everything. I’m enjoying it. Yesterday I told my cousins we should have some fun. By saying fun I actually meant doing karaoke for hours. So we plug in the magic sing and started singing our hearts out. We were having fun but I guess to some people having fun without the help of alcohol is not enough. And because I don’t want them to tease me for being a KJ I had a few drinks. And I’ve been dealing with some emotions lately so I chose to join them. We were home anyway so it’s safe. I felt dizzy after a few tagays but I was okay after dancing and goofing around. The result? I wasn’t able to go to work the day after. I guess drinking isn’t really for me. But I had a good laugh and I was able to forget a few things for a little bit. And it was a good bonding time with my cousins. And I just realized that we haven’t been doing that kind of fun lately and I miss them. We should do it again soon - minus the alcohol.