Tsunami bomb show kicked arse!!

Jul 18, 2004 23:07

the Tsunami bomb show was soo fuking amazing!!!!!!

i gotta fuking meet AGENT FUKING M!!! she signed my ticket stub and i got a pick with her.. it was totaly kick ass.. i crowd surfed and ended up on stage 2 times and i fuking danced for like a secnd til the securtiy dude told me to get off.. and "essorted me off" stage diving was awesome and they kept throwing me back so i endded up with like a huge bruise on my leg and back cause i trampled over the speaker box hah

leahs house was fun too and we took crazy mall picks and nutrogena picks they were soo fuking funny.. and her snake is soo fukign aweosme!

rachel.. the emo thing was hilarious
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