Apr 25, 2005 20:46
dinosaurs did exist. chickens are similar...just ask lyz, she's read up on it.
i can relate dinosaurs to weird x boyfriends.
i can relate dinosaurs to pears.
have you ever noticed the shape of some fruits?how does that happen.
stream of conscience at its best. right...so..i found a diffuser in my mother's closet and i was pissing myself with glee. not to mention. i could spend a whole flippin day with a busdriver. a day in the life of my dreeeeeam!
right. now.i want to note something i found simply groudnbreaking.okay. rational-emotive therapy...albert ellis. good man. smart man. stoic.
" whether you like it or not, youd better accept reality the way it occurs: as highly imperfect and filled with most fallible human beings. Your alternative? Continual anxiety and desperate dissappointment,,, we do have the power to change and control ourselves to a consideravke degree, we do not have a similar power to xontrol the behavior of others....if you control your own destiny by the proper cultivation of your own emotional garden, the most harrowing things that happen will not perturb you too much and you may even help change things and people for the better. but if you unduly upset yourself over outside happening, you will inevitably consume so much time and energy that you will have little left for the proper cultivation of your own garden."
in other words. just be happy and make the best out of you current circumstances. even the pears. peace