what up y'all

Mar 29, 2004 11:58

Damn it's been a while since I checked in.
Things are good. Really good. Yeah, I lost my job, yeah I'm poor as dirt, yeah yeah yeah...
it's awesome. I finally have entire days without stress. It's been so long I almost forgot what it was like.
That job was sucking my soul. I knew for a while that I should have quit, but it's so hard to walk away from a routine, a comfortable yet miserable routine. Finally they let me go... they saw my pain and knew I'd never quit so they thought they'd do me the favor, cuz they care, and fire me. ;op
I'm sure I'll find a little part time jobby job some time next month, late in the month ;op. I'm loving the break.
I've been gardening!! OMG how refreshing!!!!!!!!
I bought 5 trees for my yard!
I tilled up the front area of the house so we can plant an herb garden.
Soon we'll till up the back garden and get started.
What are good plants for summer growing?
What are some non pestiside ways of eliminating bugs that you've tried and recommend?

So I had surgery last Tues. More severe dysplasia. Another Coninazation of the Cervix.
They say they got it all this time, but they said that last time.
It's only been 6 months?? It was gone and came back in 6 mths?
At this rate I'm not going to have any cervix left by the time I'm 30.
When I had the last surgery I delt with the fact that I might not be able to have kid. I came to terms with it, accepted adoption possibilities...and then quickly remembered that I didn't want kids anyway.
So going into the surgery was pretty simple.
But last night after the bout I went to the after party. I was hanging with my friend R.Kathy talking about the surgery and the kids thing. She brought something up that I had never thought about. She was saying that she felt like it was almost required that she have a kid because she was raised so right, by good loving parents, good family communication, etc. and has turned out to be this amazing strong woman. She feels that her having a kid and passing on those qualities she got from her family would continue the cycle. I never thought about it that way. I mean...it makes sense. I was raised by a smart independant single mom. It wasn't a story book "parents stayed married, 2.5 kids and a dog" like Kathy, but I turned out great I think, on the grand scale of things. I'm responsible, smart, independant, strong...everything my mom is... If I were to have a kid I'd be a great mom and my kid would turn out like me, my mom, my mom's side of the family... Now that I think about it the whole side of my Mom's family is mostly women. All succesfull, intellegent, creative, independant women.
I don't know what this means yet to me. At this point I still have too much I want to do with my life to bring another one into it. But maybe someday. Anyway...

I was able to squeeze the surgery in before my benefits were cut from the Club.
That was a good thing. I'll still have another $600 debt for my part of the surgery but I'll get on a pmt plan, ain't no thing.
I can't skate for a month! Bummer.
On a side note, now that I don't have that job I'm able to handle the stress of derby on such a better level. I have so much patience that just wasn't there before. It feels good not to take everything that luna says as fact or even personal. Feels good.
so yeah, no skating. The game last night was fun, not as fun as the last though. Nobody was there! So glad he made it, and enjoyed it.
There's another one on April 18th! Putas vs Rhinestones
Oh shit the best part of the whole game!!! I almost forgot! The fucking track broke!!! Whoa. Cherry and Loca were doing a huge block into the rail at one of the high parts on the track when the rail busted and they flipped off the track and landed on the cement floor! And keep dukin' it out!! It was so fucking awesome!!
No one got hurt and it was definitely a crowd pleaser. :op Ha ha ha...
that's why we do it folks, for you, the people ;op

So I'll stop. I think that catches me up.
Hugz and Bruisez
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