Apr 12, 2003 19:43
I went to see the movie Anger Management last night. It was hilarious. I just about died laughing. It made me really think about those around me who need anger management. Namely, my sister. God, it's like she's CONSTANTLY PMSING! It's absolutely redicoulous. I want to slap her. She said I should invite my friend over to spend the night here at my grandmothers, but I said she couldn't because she'd have an asthma attack. She told me I was exaggerating. I said no, her asthma is worse than yours. She picked a fight over who's asthma was worse. She said that because my friend sings and dances her asthma wasn't as bad as hers. I was so mad that I basically told my sister that her asthma wasn't nearly as bad as most peoples, and that she's lazy and that she wouldn't have nearly so many breathing or exercise problems if she'd get off her lazy ass and DO SOMETHING!
And this morning, she was looking for a makeup brush in her makeup bag, and when she couldn't find it, she started throwing things on the tile floor and screaming. Dear god... this girl needs to take anger management classes. She gets pissed at anyone for saying anything she disagrees with. The problem is she tries to debate with everyone and have the last word... but her debate isn't based on anything. She has no real argument, just her own stubborn opinions.
I swear she has no sense of pride, either. She'll go out of the house looking like crap, she crushes on 'scruffy boys' who are (not that there is anything wrong with this, but I'll explain later..) goth, pot heads, or way to old for her. I don't think there is anything wrong with being a goth, but she thinks it's funny when they are pot heads and come to school stoned. She's attracted to seniors when she's a freshman (which is a disasterous combination, anyway...).
She has no self respect or doesn't understand that she's not a piece of crap. She's self loathing, and when she's in one of her moods, she tears everyone else down with her, trying to make herself feel better. She treats everyone like dirt, and then expects everone to kneel and kiss her feet when she yells "Shita ni! Shita ni!".
But if she'd learn to play nicely with the other children and stop being such a bitch, she might realize that she's a good person and deserves better than the scruffy senior who smokes pot. In the meantime she's going to be a self loathing bitch who PMSes for three weeks, is pissed for a week because she has her period, and then PMSes for three weeks.
I'm sorry... a lot of this might seem like a lot of random jabber, but she's really pissing me off right now....especially when she acts like a bitch, and then realizes she wants something from me, and then is all sicky-sweet. *gag*