and now liveJournal recently im adding to many social networks to my schedule... what am i thinking!?... im thnking on becoming more kind of social i think LOL!. also to have my stuff, crafts and photos more organized. all this of course related to all my arts and crafts crazynes, to get more jobs, requests, commissions and nice friends. so people could maybe find me a
easily and know whats going on o this "Piquipauparro" thing. so first... what is "Piquipauparro creations"? well these " from what comes from the espontaneous and inspiration" (the frace is originally in spanish and its a bit hard to translate). a way to spread my art and else arround, to make people smile, and to show something differnet from the usuall stuff that can be found arround and some other things. im working as a freelance, so if your interested in my style you can always ask for comissions. here in México this is kinda dificult. there is just a few people that support this kind of art. its sucha messy thing. and thats actaully one of the main reazons of why im gonna be writing eberything on englihs. theres more people interested on my art on other countrys thatn here in México (or at least most of the people that is asking me requests and else.
so as i need to come with so many things if i want to live from the art im creating i need to get more organization, to make it easy for me as for you finding what you want to see, photos, details, info, etc. so here i post some details of how all this networking thing will be and how im gonna manage it.
i normaly use 3 different "official" nicknames with the ones you can find me arround, these are "Piquipauparro", "iquipau" and "Chikapaw"
the way i use them is related on what i post with in them "Piquipauparro" used in webpages where finished works and proyects are displayed. you can find the final results of my works there. "iquipau" an abrevation for webpages and used as name on forums where i normally go, related with thing i like: art, collectors and custom dolls things. "Chikapaw" im the Chikapaw! Chikapaw pum crash! more like randomness i do and things about my life, like rants and some info about works on progress, and other maybe not art related things. i also say all this to myself to rember it =P.
and the places you can find me:
For finished works (Piquipauparro accounts)
- Deviant art my deviant account as "Piquipauparro" here i post my finished artworks, anrts and crafts. here theyr placed with theyr title, description, details, complementary text that goes with the work, and part of my personal thoughts about it. my Journal there is not updated to offen unless is something kinda important. (English)
- Etsy shop the place to buy and sell hand made, some of my original works (non requesta dn comissions) will be placed here, some series, and one of a kind items will be listed here. maybe at deviant and other blogs i let you know when somethng new its added (English)
- Official site going to be the main and own page, works and contact info will be placed here, still under construction, maybe ill change the domain later, not sure about that (english, spanish)
blogs n Social Networks (iquipau accounts)
- Myspace more like a "window" with links to my other places. dont update too offen, nsometimes ill only add some finished works to the gallerys and go online when somebody leaves me a message. or to give an important notice. just the basics.(spanish)
- Blog "a brake for inspiration" blog find as "iquipau" blogspot, here i place some of the works i like most, random stuff that i like and recomend that maybe can inspire you too, music, movies, series, collector stuff, interesting facts, random videos on you tube, featured artists, usefull and interesting places on the web. previous (Spanish with "translate" optio
a bit more random, (Chikapaw accounts)
- Flickr posting some artworks here with not the full description BUT, ill be posting tons of photos here, when i make a craft i only post one picture on my other accounts, but here im gonna place lots of them from different sides, and poses, specially with my posable figures, "photo stripes" and else, and else. (English)
- Live Journal Ah! its here! Lol! my own life weirdo things, maybe rants, personal thougts and some stuff i need to spit out, and maybe some info like this. also works in progress and how am i going on my art life. maybe youll find here something iv already post somwhere else but with more personal point of view. (English)
- Sketch blog another blogspot, here ill post some good doodles, scraps, or finished works that i didnt like at all and a bit description of them. to me it was always interesting and helpfull to see sketches and doodles from the artist i admire. the ones ill post here are the ones id like most but not as for making a full detailed artwork. (English)
maybe with time ill reduce the ammount of em, not sure. theyr so much o.O. the ones of the bottom will be more offen updated, and as they go up the less activity . ok, this is gonna be really interesting specially cus im the kind of cut-off person that dont like to talk too much of itself, or show people whats going on on my life. ofcourse im not gonna post some personal issues!.
also here i leave you another pair of links to some other stuff im in.
- mlp Deviant account as im involved on the mlp collectors world i made this account, now i only use it to post commissions i do for other collectors where they can download them. i create my other account when i began working on developing my own style characters and else.
- Pony Guru drowning into problems? feeling life isnt worthy enough? meet the pony guru! Behold her awsomness and absurd answers that may not solve your problems but may make you laugh of em!!. aslo she has hwe own problems with her friki and wiedo partner. *cof* *cof* a proyect im working with
about the nonsnense and crazynes, a parody of our own lifes jaja
ok! now lets get to works cus there are tons of photos, pitures and things waiting to be deited finished and publishes ^^`have a nice not to frizzing day!