spring break is in 10 days! yesss cannot wait. havent updated for a while so ide thought ide find something to put in here
track started today. i was really excited for it even tho the practice sucked. it will be nice to finally vault again. 13 feet. ill do it. its 11:00 right now so i should be getting to my homework.
wrote this one for martins class...
How to pick up the beach babe
Spring break is quickly approaching. If you’re smart, you may have planned a trip to Panama City or Daytona Beach in Florida. The beaches will be crowded with so many girls anticipating your approach. Like gold fish in a bowl, they will be waiting to be netted. But, like any fish, these babes won’t be simple to catch. Behind those bikinis they pretentiously wear and cute smiles they love to show off, these girls will be as difficult to capture as Moby Dick himself! Although picking up a girl on the beach may look like an easy task, there are many different steps and pointers you should take into consideration and follow.
The preparation required for picking up your “beach babe” begins far in advance. You’ll want to start working out so you’re fit when at the beach. I recommend frequently running and hitting the weight room. Growing your hair out is a must! The chicks on the beach dig a guy with long hair, which gives you a large advantage. But don’t let it get too long; you don’t want to look like a hippie. Another important step is that you learn the sport of volleyball. Even the fittest guy on the beach may look clumsy or uncoordinated while trying to play volleyball. Don’t let it be you! Get your friends into volleyball too, so they can help you win your game on the beach. Finally, you must get a tan before going on your trip. Pale, white skin isn’t attractive and having a tan will prevent sunburn on the beach. Be sure to double check these steps before departing for your spring break adventure.
The morning before you leave for the beach is a crucial time to make your final preparations. First of all, sleep in; you’ll need a lot of energy for volleyball. Check to see that you don’t already have a sunburn and put sun block on any where you think you may burn. It’s important that you get a shower in that morning also; you don’t want to smell when you approach the girls. When it comes down to it, sunglasses are simply not cool on the beach. Sure they keep the sun out of your eyes, but it’s quite an embarrassing moment when you take them off to reveal your raccoon tan. Just wear sun block on your face and you will be set. A crucial step you should take before going to the beach is not only bringing guys, but also girls. You will be thankful later because a girl doesn’t want to hang out with all guys. Giving her a comfortable environment shall increase your chance of success. After this, your preparations are finally complete.
You are now half way, if you don’t screw up these steps, your ship will sail home with a fine catch. When you arrive at the beach, the last thing you want to do is immediately walk up to her. You need to get warmed up and play a few games of volleyball. After you win a game, (it’s important that you actually win) that’s when you finally approach her. Now relax! Be sure to smile when you ask her and her friend if they would like to play volleyball with your group. If you have been following these steps closely, you should have no trouble with this one.
Getting her to play with you guys doesn’t mean you’ve caught her. You have merely hooked the fish and it is now time to reel her in. Be sure that your girl is on your team. Separate her and her friend, that way they won’t talk to only each other, but also you. Don’t lose the game! She will be much happier and interactive if your team wins. Finally, after the day ends, invite her and her friend to hang out with your crew. Going out for dinner is a great idea. When with her, be sure to listen to and remember everything she says. This is when she might open up to you and be more social.
After dinner invite her and her alone back to the beach to watch the sun set with you. Suggest her friend hang out with one of your buddies she has been talking to. Maybe he will get lucky to. Be sure to bring a blanket to the beach. When you get there, give her a good time! Walk along the shoreline and just have fun. When the sun begins to set, have a seat on that blanket and the magic will just happen. It’s that simple! You have done it. You have reeled in and netted the beach babe. Bring her back to hang out with your friends and party!
You began months ago… getting fit, tan, and looking great. You’ve mastered the sport of volleyball and conquered the opposing teams like David did Goliath. You formed and carried out the perfect plan, carefully including every aspect. Got too nervous or tried to back down? Never. You unleashed what is the stud in you. Go ahead and toss your arms up in triumph. May your night be filled with fun. You have worked hard to deserve it.
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