
Mar 19, 2011 11:38

Title: Caged
Fandom: SNSD
Rating: PG
Length: 1,145
Pairing: Taeyeon / Tiffany, Yoona / Yuri, Various mentions
Summary: Tiffany has a nice little talk with a cage. (A fic about my pairing preferences)

Sccrk, sccrrk.

The sound of a stick scratching the surface of concrete floor echoes through the darkness.

A lonely sigh escapes Tiffany’s lips as she rests her head on her knees and resumes her aimless doodling on the ground.

She scrapes the stick hard and the wooden shards slowly form a heart with the words ‘TaeNy’ in the middle.

Looking at the words lovingly, she once again gives another depressed sigh before a loud pop shocks her from her crouching position.


The said girl coughs and fans the air frantically to dissipate the smoke. Giving one last hack, she looks at her surroundings. “Ti-Tiffany?! Wha-where am I?”

“You’re in a cage.”

“I can see that. What are you doing here!?”

“Being caged.”

“I can see that as well, but why?”

Tiffany looks up into the darkness and gives a spiteful glare, “Ask it.”


“Yeah it. For some reason, some unknown force out there likes me caged.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that I’m not allowed to be seen with anyone besides Taeyeon,” Tiffany gives another sigh and looks down at her drawn heart again.

“I see…by the way where is Taeyeon?”

“Out on a date with Yuri.”

“What!? But, but Yuri is mine!”

Tiffany snorts, “And the world is flat.”

Yoona snorts back, “And I thought TaeNy was real.”

Tiffany gasps, hand over her heart. “We ARE real!”

“Apparently not.”

Tiffany pouts and turns away from Yoona to resume her doodling.

“If you’re in here because you’re caged, why am I here?”

Tiffany rolls her eyes, “Well duh, ‘cause you’re caged too.”

Yoona scoffs, “Speak for yourself, I was poofed here in the middle of a date with Hyoyeon.”

Tiffany raises an eyebrow, “Really? I thought Hyoyeon was asexual.”

She shrugs, “Yeah, I thought so too. Where are the others?”

Tiffany stretches and lies on the ground, “Ehh, Sooyoung is probably on a date with Jessica. Sunny is probably out and about with Hyomin…well it’s probably more like being stalked by her. Maknae is probably being all lovey dovey with Yonghwa.”

“Yonghwa really? I always thought Seohyun was the gayest of us all.”

“Yeah since she was always like afraid or awkward with men, but life is always full of surprises. Hey, Yoong, if you’re in here, you must be caged in some way.”

“Oh I date around sometimes, but don’t get me wrong, I’ll always love Yuri the most because YoonYul is real,” Yoona says with a dreamy look on her face.

“Dating? Who else besides Hyoyeon? And I thought you were the child of YulSic.”

“YulSic? HAH. You’re funny Tiffany. The thing with Hyoyeon is probably just a one time thing. I think she’s still asexual, but she likes to play around. I heard she’s been with Sooyoung and Sunny before. I’ve been on a few dates with Jessica and some with Seohyun, but I wouldn’t really call the ones with Seohyun dates. They’re more like playdates. Oh and I also been on a few with Tae-” Yoona stops her sentence with her mouth hanging open. “Well enough about me, how about you?”

Tiffany stares at Yoona frozen, mouth agape. She runs up and grabs Yoona’s shoulders, shaking them violently, “How could youuuuu! First it was Jessica, then Yuri and now you too!?”

“I’m sorry Tiffany! It-it was only one date. I swear! It wasn’t even anything serious! We didn’t even hit first base!”

“Whyyyyy,” Tiffany wails, “Why Kim Taeyeon do you have to be such a player? Am I not good enough for you? Is it my face? Am I too plastic? I stopped being blonde now. Why don’t you love meee?”

Yoona looks at the girl sobbing on her shoulder with pity. She pets Tiffany’s hair as she tries to calm down the girl. “Aw it’s okay Tiffany. I’m sure Taeyeon loves you a lot.”

Yoona continues to make gentle shushing sounds and rubs Tiffany’s back until her sobs become hiccups. She looks down at the crying girl and is struck by the beautiful sight in her arms. She cups Tiffany’s face in her hands and gently brushes away her tears. “You’re beautiful Tiffany and Taeyeon would be a fool to give you up.”

Tiffany looks up at Yoona with puppy dog eyes, “Re-really?”

“Yeah, really,” Yoona eyes widen as an idea pops up in her head. She smirks at Tiffany and leans in closer to her lips, “You know, since were already here in the cage together, why don’t we-“


A metal fence appears out of nowhere separating their bodies.

Yoona stands there, bewildered at what had just happened, while Tiffany walks back to her corner and sulks.

Yoona scratches her head, “Man, you really are caged.”

Tiffany finds another stick and resumes her doodling, while Yoona sighs as she decides to follow suit, but in her own corner on her side of the fence.

The hours pass by silently and awkwardly because, come on, who wouldn’t feel awkward after a cockblock like that.

Both of their ears perk up, however, as the sounds of footsteps begin echoing through the darkness.


Yoona swore she saw doggie ears pop up and a fluffy tail wagging from Tiffany’s behind as she ran up to the bars of her cage.

“How’s my little mushroom doing?” Taeyeon gives a loving smile at the girl and pats her head.

“You’re back! Finally!”

“Yes, yes. I’m back.”



“What are you doing here?”

“I dunno. Ask it. Why were you out on a date with Taeyeon!?”

Yuri raises a brow and crosses her arms, “Because I can.”

Yoona stares into Yuri’s eyes with a frown, but then grins, “Fair enough. Can we go home now?”

“Sure, let me get you out.” Yuri takes out a key from her breast pocket and unlocks the door.

Yoona rushes into Yuri’s open arms and gives her a giant hug. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” Yuri says before placing a loving kiss on Yoona’s forehead. “Shall we head home?”

Yoona nods her head and the pair disappear with a flash as soon as their hands intertwine.

The two remaining girls turned their attention from the now empty spot to each other.

“Taetae, can we go home too?”

Taeyeon sheepishly scratched her head, “Well, I would love to, but I don’t have a key.”

“What do you mean you don’t have a key!?”

“I was never given one.”

“But-but then how am I going to be able hold you and kiss you and spend time with y-“

Another bright flash of light lit the room and Taeyeon appeared in her arms. Tiffany beams, “This works too.”

Taeyeon chuckled, “And people always wonder why we’re always BTS.”

“The darkness can be a good thing too.”

Taeyeon smirks as she feels Tiffany’s grabby hands make their way up her skirt. “Oh, definitely a good thing.”


A/N: ROYAL FAMILY? ACE FAMILY? WAS THA?! Lol I kid, but if you didn't get it from the story, I basically ship: TAENY and YoonYul as a pair. IF Taeyeon isn't with Tiffany, I'm a HUGE TaeRi supporter. As for the others, you can kinda see they can go with anyone, but if I had to make my own family, it would be: TaeNy, YoonYul, SooSica, SunByung, YongSeo + Hyoyeon. I honestly don't know who to pair Hyoyeon with (and apparently a lot of other people seem to have the same problem), thus the "asexual" jab. Maybe I should make up a new family and call it WF for WIN FAMILY :trololol:.

But yeah, Tiffany = caged because I honestly cannot, CANNOT bear to see her with any other person besides Taeyeon. I've tried. I've tried YulTi, tried JeTi, anything, but *shudders*...I just chain her to Taeyeon so this has kinda been an inside joke with my sister and I. She cages Yoona btw haha (hardcore YoonYul shipper). I swear she cried tears of joy when I FINALLY could accept them as a pair together (before I could only see them as sisters/friends, but a certain oneshot contest made me think a little bit harder to really see the spark between them).

ANYWAY, who do YOU GUYS cage? Or is it honestly free for all, OT9 and all that jazz? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Hope you enjoyed this little piece of my thoughts and if anyone didn't understand some of my "jokes/jabs", feel free to ask. I'll be happy to explain things.

P.S. I wrote this along with the A/N about 2 months ago so my opinions have changed, but not by much. I basically support YoonTae more than I did and I'm slowly letting Tiffany out of her cage...only to be pulled back into it heheh. Oh and TaePimp for the win ;Db. 

crack, taeyeon/tiffany, fanfiction, snsd, yoona/yuri

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