Jan 10, 2008 10:50
Ahem... yus, yus yusssss...i am only 3 years away from being 30! ahem... and thats all i have to say... bout that.
on to other things...or not...*birthday rant*
when i reflect on being almost 30... *hysteria* i think such numbers...may have been the motivation behind moving here. sure my sister might have put the idea in my head (us 27 year olds don't think for ourselve... with exceptions) i am 27, ha, i am single... ha ha haaa, i have a cat... meowie.. and i am living with my sister... (god how depressing) but well its really expensive, and if i was moving here only to pay shit loads of rent by myself... then my whole " wanna get financially ahead" theory is a complete waste of time. i have a 30 year old admirerer (how do you spell that? clearly age doens't make you a better speller) he shares his 1st name with my brother in law... ewwww wierd. hes taller than me, a nice guy, is nice looking and a flirt...mmm i might be a lil bit of a flirt too..
and i am wearing different clothes *cleavage shot* well no one knows me here... i don't give a shit! and also its bloooody hot, none of my nz clothes (cept my undies - cos you needed to know that) are suitable, i completely revamped my wardrobe after ony a couple of days here...the clothes are waaaay better and cheaper! 'autograph' - very cool shop! i bought high heels... mwhahaha...i am a bit lonely though... no friends cept dion e. and hes not a chick... i want chick friends, can't wait to start working so i can make some friends. i have hildy but she lives 24 hours away...(by car)my interview went well, it was actually a job agency that interviewed me, they want to find me work... aint that nice? i told them i neeed work now... (my funds are running low) i didn't wanna sound desperate... but well... in a week or so i shall be poor! the aussie/nz money diff kinda munched a chunk outta of my savings... gutted i expected it... but yanno...?
what am i gonna do today to celebrate my birthday.... well we can't go out... funds issue... etc. and its only thursday.. so am gonna catch a bus after i finish in here to the 'cultural centre' theres tonnes of galleries and a huge museam... and guess whats in the gallery of modern art? an Andy Warhol exhibition... *dances* so i shall headover and drink it in.. and get heaps of brochures to send to my bitches and hoes. note: expect me to give them you by hand.. i am terrible at sending shit.. in the snail mail. then after i have had enough of a visual feast i shall take myself out for lunch... i really wanna try the new subway chicken and avacado - yummy pretty healthy (am feeling guilty over the pancakes i ate this morning and i have been soooo gooood! *smacks hand*) i must finish now... live journal will over load... hahahaha ;) or you might...?
loves love - happy birthday me!