Mar 02, 2009 23:35


Well...Better late than never ne?


SAKO! lookiin' rly sexy but very tired, poor girly

Mimo and Mana, I think disappeared for a walk when I took these, so there are no overnight photos from them T______T HOKAI So now we start from aboooooot 2pm when murmel and the others came <3 and I took a serious amount of pictures on murmel's camera XD ran the memory out I did *nodnod*

Me and my waifu <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Some guy I dunno his name...he has blonde hair *nod*

I dunno her name either, I think she might have been cold though, that hood never came down me thinks


JULIE!!! I only met her this day but I decided I like her very much! (see sako in the bg! XD)

MARTHEEEEEE!!!!! *strokes nose* <3<3<3 Love Marthe too! <3 ...Chao has been lost right now *looks around for her*

The life saver! If it wasn't for maria's calm head I'd have gone mad in depression about not being able to get to London *nod* <3<3<3<3

Stalkerish pic here, the girl on the far left brough one of chao's scarves <3

Another stalkerish one, Sako with her friends! ^^

There is ALWAYS a reita...I discovered Reita's nose on this day *grins* OH AND I SEES A CHAO IN THE BG! <3<3<3<3<3<3

LOLS at this one, provides much comedy this girly! >D

See? Usually I don't stay near anyone that smokes but I just had to catch this, it was a genius pile XD

I STAND BY MY STATEMENT! Honey, you photograph REALLY well <3

<3 fantastic people are fantastic *nod*

Yeah we all know and I'd be thankful for no flamy type comments thankyouverymuch OMG NANGO! *divetackles*

WORK IN PROGRESSSSS!!!!!! I screamed that so many times XD Mimo gettin' her makeup done <3


I stood with the camera ready and waiting to catch this guy nom, seriously I was there for a minute or something ridiculous...waiting...the...BINGO! >D Stalker mission no. 3 complete

I look so evil in this picture XD The pink hair is covering my horns pretty well ne? >D

THE BT PHONEBOX OF DOOOOOOOOOM! And another lolworthy photo!

Poppy and Bambi! I never worked out which one was which but they both live pretty near me and one of them knows a girl in my italian class >D hows that for awesome!? They had the most awesome coloured contacts I'd seen that day

WORK IN PROGRESS!!!!!!!! The only picture I took of the sign book actually >.>

Been doing this for an hour now...


Group photo!

MEGA GROUP PHOTO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maya lolly anyone!?


This sign is epic

Finally! A non stalker photo of Sako and her friends! <3

Another girl that photographs really well <3 (I think you PMed me but I don't remember)

Aiji ended up wearing these, they flash XD <3

I remember chatting to this girly for a looooong time, she was very nice! <3 I love the colour of her hair, and her brolly kicked ass

The girl on the right came to us at 11pm, or when chao and I got back from wandering she was there <3 she was really nice and gave up her place at the front to be with her friend! They were both really really sweet, much respect to both of them <3<3

I don't know who you are but I love your jumper, your hair and your smile! <3

These crazy people were great fun to talk to! <3<3<3

Lol I love your hair, even if it's fake and it falls off all over the stage, it's still awesome, YOU'RE still awesome <3<3<3

And for the lols, for people that are still lookin at these, the day after!

If you're saving the pictures to your computer please DO NOT save these following pictures as they are nothing to do with the gig >___<

Sleepy tiem nao, we both look destroyed, at this point for me, it still hadn't sunk in we'd actually SEEN them, let alone shake their hands

and that's it! the fun of monday 1st, tuesday 2nd and wednesday 3rd february, it's a month ago right now (1.34am) that we were sat outside giggling at something random or playing football XD

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