You guys! Someone translated one of my stories into Russian! Not only is this flattering (and I needed some ego stroking with of the lack of feedback to my BB fic), but I looove translation and languages so this is really fun to me. I don't even know the alphabet, but I managed to recognize the characters' names, which in turn helped me figure out some of the letters. And dialogue conventions! They look similar to what we use in French: dashes to introduce dialogue lines, no quotations marks (well, we actually have two kinds of dialogue conventions in French, but the other one is getting out of use), and the introductory verb is placed before the name of the person speaking. The only difference that I can see is that Russian uses another dash to close the dialogue line, and not a comma as in French. I also discovered that Russian has a declension system, which I didn't know (you see the depths of my non-knowledge of Russian!).
Anyway, in case anyone is interested, here's the link to the
translation, and here's the link to the
original fic (it's a Misfits fic) for comparison purposes.