Mar 16, 2009 08:52
1. Internet was down the whole day yesterday at home. Think it's still down.
2. Cut my hair on saturday. Looks roughly like when we had the Seijin-no-hi outing, but my fringe is more wispy and not so straight. Which is good. Previous haircut was by hairdresser near my house, and although it looked good when I first cut it, it doesn't grow out nicely. From experience (I've been going to the Kovan hairdresser since I was 13) my Kovan hairdresser has much better standards: when he first cuts my hair it looks a little strange, but even when it grows out my hair still looks good. So... back to Kovan hairdresser!
3. Maid went back home yesterday. For the first time since before I was born, we no long have a maid. Which also means that my mom, who hasn't, by her own confession, cooked for 26 years, is now a housewife. I worry for her, but I'm resisting helping her out too much. My mom has a bad habit of becoming utterly helpless when she knows someone will pick up the slack. Forcing her to be independent is the only way she'd willingly learn. Doesn't mean that I wasn't constantly exasperated by her yesterday though, but I think things will get better.
4.Maid going home also sparked off another drama, which exhibits my dad's impatience and general manly tendencies to never read instructions at its best. He didn't read the third page of the letter from Ministry of Manpower, which meant that although he canceled our maid's work permit, he didn't print out the letter for her to show to immigration and allowed her to carry her work permit. Which resulted in a frenzied mild panic for me for an hour or two when our maid called from the airport, saying that the police have her, and then she put down the phone. The rest of the hour was mostly caused by my parents not knowing my maid's handphone number, FIN, flight number, flight time, (at one point) which airline she was flying on. Oh, and did I mention? No internet at home. ;_; PARENTS. *sigh*
5. Grand-aunt passed away yesterday morning, 11am. We are actually quite close to this grandaunt, she's like practically a sister to our maternal grandma, and we would visit her house every chinese new year for her speciality mian xian. She's been so strong for the past few years (we used to compare her to our ailing maternal grandma, who suffers form all kinds of small ailments), but suddenly got afflicted with liver cancer recently. We went to her wake yesterday night, no real tears, just sitting around with relatives recounting how strong she used to be,m what a character she used to be. It was a good wake. I will miss her.
6. Going to a wake again today. One of my colleagues' father passed away on friday, so we are all going down during lunch to attend the wake.
7. Prior to that, we will be visiting another colleague who had pneumonia, but got discharged from hospital already. Our dept is beset with troubles recently.
8. Sewing for Japan is almost done! Left with one and half sakura motifs, and the tricky problem of the flimsy collar, after which I'm done! Preliminary packing yesterday showed my luggage will not be overweight! Pleasantly surprised.
9. Paper for work has to be out for today! Did absolutely nothing for it over the weekend! ARGH. CHIONG AH!
slice of life,