^_^ Actually I came back on Saturday, but have been cleaning and unpacking and packing my room ever since. I only have the last bit left now, so I can safely say I'm available to go out and meet people tomorrow afternoon! ^_^
I want to meet people!! I've missed all of you so much for the past 10 weeks! I know photos are not up yet but they will come. I have omiyage! I am reserving this weekend for meeting up with Kazoku!! Like. Saturday afternoon/evening. That's the 2nd of August. Please please comment back if you can make it!! ^_^
In other news, who wants to go for the natsu matsuri this year? My friend
sodiumion can help us get tickets. This year it's on an entrance basis only, so that's $2 only, but you have to pay for the food and games inside. Also, they're trying to encourage people to not wear cosplay costumes or gothloli or anything weird like that, just yukata or plain clothes. So if you're interested, comment or SMS me? ^_^