Hiro Express~

Apr 06, 2006 01:59

Hiro Express is going to close by next month~ I met the floor manager Felix by accident today and he let slip the innocent fact. Confirmed it later when I walked down to Hiro Express. Hiro-san is looking for work elsewhere, and someone's going to take over the space. I told him when anything happens to SMS me, so it's not like we're going to lose contact or anything. But~~ Shall we go down and taste the food sometime this month?? I'm SO going to miss the curry... ;_;.

They gave me red bean soup with mochi to eat when I went down, similar to the one at Tanpopo which Tashigi ordered some time ago. But it was a smaller bowl, and the soup was thicker, and get this, SWEETER! O_o. Amazing. The mochi was very soft though. I asked them whether they were selling it and they said they weren't. O_o. Not surprised...

Oh! The unlined kimono I bid on accidentally came in today... O_o. It's pretty. But... doesn't fit me at all. Thus. Who wants it? I'll sell it for $40 and throw in my green obi jime (which matches, amazingly enough)... and if you want I'll bundle my black nagoya obi in for $60. That's an unlined kimono, a nagoya obi and an obi jime. All you need are the socks, shoes, underkimono, ties and obi age. The rest you can make do with scrap cloth and towels... I'll even sew you an unlined cotton underkimono if you want... *shameless plugage*

Oh and if anyone is interested in sharing in group ebay-ing, five pairs of zouri for around US$30, not too sure how much shipping is though, am asking. If I get it I probably won't need all, if someone likes a particular pair we can split the shipping cost and the ebay cost evenly.

cooking, kimono

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