Totally Biased Ichiban Meme : Day 14

Aug 24, 2011 22:39


Day 14 :
Favorite concert moment related to your ichiban.

From their 2003 Love & Life : VV Program
They got in pairs and performed Tonisen songs :D

Maa-kun & Ken performed MIX JUICE
Inocchi & Go performed LOVE SONG ~Tramuntana Mix~
Nagano & Okada performed reprise...

image Click to view

If you have been (biasedly) watching Go from start til end, you'll prolly get why. It doesn't have anything to do with huge, flashy moves; it's more like...the small movements, like the one around 0:56 - 0:57 (he's the one right at the back of Maa-kun from this camera angle). And his dance moves are do I say it, distinguishable? From everyone else's; there's a certain 'sway'/'swagger' to the way he moves lol okay this sounds kinda maniac-ish but yeah, that's my point XD;

And also when he sang the intro to LOVE SONG ♥ Not as smexy as Maa-kun did in the original Tonisen version, but it's still very spine-tingling and admittedly (and biasedly) still a respectable degree of smexiness >:3 And when the others danced ON/AROUND/WITH THOSE CHAIRS -- it's very very very YESYESYES XD

This duet/paired performance is my favorite of all the concerts, if not the most memorable and impactful one :D Because of the clothes (simply black with silver and white details! PRETTEH) and the hats X3 AND THE SONGS THE SMEXY TONISEN SONGS.

I must also add that Inocchi is so awfully hotdayum during this performance ♥

Yes, Go, yes, like that /shot

totally biased, v6, meme

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