Twenty-Sixth Ink Drop [Accidental Voice]

Jul 15, 2010 22:25

[After the events with Lilynette, Miyabi had been recovering from basically having her soul forcibly removed and put back in. It was...definitely a strange and terrifying experience. One that taught here two things.

One, trust can be so easily broken. And two...she needs to get stronger. She only completely knows two offensive Brush Skills. If she wanted to really be of any use to people, and protect her friends, then she had to learn more and refine the ones she already knew.

So, with a heavy heart, Miyabi had decided to take a little "vacation" from the village and head to the mountains to practice. She doesn't take an animal this time, and instead makes the journey herself, bouncing through the deeper sections of the forest. All was going well so far. She even brought a large - for her at least - pack of supplies.

Of course, there's always something that comes along when one's mind is clouded. Miyabi's pack tears open when it snags on a thorny bush, her journal tumbling out and falling face down on the ground, the audio triggering with the sudden jolt.]

Oh, for--! Bah, look at this mess... [There's a few sounds of shuffling and things being picked up, then silence and the sound of quick movement.] ...Who's there? Eh, you're not being very quiet, you know. I can hear you.

[But the sound doesn't feel like a person. In fact, it seemed more like two forces, one soft and timid, the other fierce and almost authoritative, weaving together quickly. And Miyabi knows exactly what those two forces are - she lives in a world filled with them, after all.]

Aah, if you two keep chattering like that, I won't be able to hear a thing you're both trying to say...

[OOC: Placeholder...ish until tomorrow. I might be able to poke a few tags, but I'm really busy right now, sorry.]

[char] - vash the stampede, [char] - nami, damnit faeren, chatty spirits, [char] - lilynette gingerback, [char] - salt, [char] - sonic, 8| i was trying to leave quietly, [char] - sanji, damnit eferin, training

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