Eighth Ink Drop [Written | Action]

Dec 23, 2009 20:28


To anyone worrying,

I have returned, and I am unharmed and well. I even have Sumomo back, too~! I'm very sorry for troubling you all... Thank you very much for your concern. ♥

I'm going out to the forest for a little bit, though~ Please, don't look for me!!

- Miyabi


Miyabi scribbles the quick and totally not suspicious at all messy note, shutting her journal and gathering her boots, robe, and hooded cloak. When she's just about to exit her and Salt's home, she grabs her brushsword and makes her way outside. Hopping with ease, she finds a spot well enough away - yet still fairly close - from the houses and buildings.

The ponclet unsheathes her sword, and holds the brush tip outwards, looking around for a good spot. Her bright, yellow eyes finally spot a large snow bank and she smiles brightly.]


[And she paints a line from the snowbank to an open area. The ink hovers for a moment, then disappears. Nothing happened. Miyabi huffs out a quick "Bah!", then tries again, repeating the process. This time, however, the ink hovers, freezes solid, and then bursts, showering the area with tiny, but sharp bits of ice. Fortunately, Miyabi's quick on her toes and dodges the whole lot.]


[Ah, the joys of practicing her sometimes potentially deadly Brush Skills~ Passersby approach at your own risk.]

[char] - guy cecil, my trusty blade sumomo!, brush skill - blizzard, [char] - sanji, not as bad as she says, not plotting no, [char] - kohaku, training

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