Fifth Ink Drop - [Voice]

Dec 05, 2009 18:44

U-Uhm...Hello, everyone! My name is Miyabi, and it's very nice to meet you if I haven't already! I hope we can become good friends ( Read more... )

[char] - vash the stampede, [char] - guy cecil, [char] - brook, tiny thing, [char] - nikki, never seen this before..., halp plz, [char] - rohan, [char] - sanji, [char] - leon d.s. geeste, cooking, [char] - martel

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martelandmany December 6 2009, 01:37:47 UTC
I could, if you'd like.


Why are my notifs so slow, aaaa.... Dx chiisaichou December 6 2009, 02:48:54 UTC
That would be wonderful, thank you very much!


martelandmany December 6 2009, 07:09:18 UTC
Where shall I find you?


chiisaichou December 6 2009, 18:38:18 UTC
If you know where Salt lives, or who he is, that's where I'll be. Oh, but please, I can come to you if you'd like. It'd be very rude of me to ask for more than what I already have.


martelandmany December 6 2009, 23:09:44 UTC
That works as well, if you'd like. I live in community building number four, room fifteen.


[Voice | Action] chiisaichou December 7 2009, 16:53:35 UTC
All right! I'll be over as fast as I can!

[And the journal records some slight shuffling and heavy fabric being moved around as Miya prepares herself, taking her hooded cloak, her thick kimono, and boot inlaid with brushed rabbit fur. So cozy~ ♥

She closes the journal, places it in a hidden pocket of her kimono's sleeve, and grabs a bag of birdseed. She'd have to try and flag down a sparrow or other kind of bird. They'd get her there the fastest, and she did need to get over her fear of flying. So, once she's caught a nice old crow to give her a ride, telling him where to go, there will be a soft tapping at your window, Martel. The crow pecks the window again, and you may see a little golden light climb down from its back, a little shaky.]

Ooh...I-I'm never going to get used to that!


[Voice | Action] martelandmany December 7 2009, 20:41:17 UTC
[She opens the window, managing not to act too surprised at the nature of her visitor.] Well, that surely was fast.


[Action] chiisaichou December 8 2009, 14:47:10 UTC
[Miya climbs into the room through the open window, smiles, and gives a polite bow, first to her feathered friend who mutteres a quick farewell to them both before flying away, and then to Martel.]

Thank you very much for letting me learn from you. I tried to be as fast as I could, even if it was a little scary...


[Action] martelandmany December 8 2009, 16:15:54 UTC
Come, the kitchen's over here. [She offers a hand down to Miya's level, if the cute fairy pixie whatever thing would like to climb on.]


[Action] chiisaichou December 8 2009, 16:34:55 UTC
[Miya is a ponclet -female poncle - of course! But she won't object to being called a fairy or pixie. Better than being called a bug or tiny. :| Of course she'll climb on! Miya quite literally hops right onto the nice lady's open palm and smiles up at her. Oh, you're really pretty, Martel. And so nice!]

May I ask your name, miss?


[Action] martelandmany December 9 2009, 07:59:57 UTC
Martel. And yours? [She'll be carting you over to the kitchen counter now, then setting her hand down so you can get off.]


[Action] chiisaichou December 9 2009, 20:58:22 UTC
My name is Miyabi! It's very nice to meet you, Miss Martel. Thank you for teaching me.

[She does jump lightly off the woman's palm, removing her cloak and boots - folding them neatly so as not to be rude and make a drippy mess - and bows. Must be polite for this person's hospitality.]


[Action] martelandmany December 11 2009, 06:53:28 UTC
It's no trouble at all. Which appliances were you most confused about? [The assortment is in front of Miyabi on the kitchen counter, though it's all Martel-sized.]


[Action] chiisaichou December 11 2009, 20:38:22 UTC
[The tiny sprite takes a look around all the appliances, nodding to the ones she knew of. She looked at some of the pots and pans, staring at them. They looked kind of like the bowls and cauldrons she used, but still unfamiliar. So, instead of asking like a normal person would, Miya hops up onto one of the large pots.

Unfortunately, however, the pot was uncovered and she land with a loud squeak and a dull plunk!]



[Action] martelandmany December 13 2009, 22:10:34 UTC
Oh! I'm terribly sorry, I shouldn't have left it open like that! [She'll be scooping you up out of it and setting you gently on the counter again, looking concerned.]


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