✿ Forty-First Ink Drop ✿ - [Written | Action]

Jul 07, 2011 18:24

[Today, Miyabi had finally made the trip she wanted to make to the ocean to see it for the first time. She had sized herself up for the quick journey via the teleporters (the one Asch and Luke broke should be fixed by now. 8|) but made the journey alone. It wasn't just to enjoy the scenery this time, even if it was beautiful, but to sit and think. It was quiet here, and only the roll and crash of the waves and the occasional cry of a gull were present. A perfect place to sit and think, and stare out at the horizon.

Two friends, family, were gone and another two had been tampered with to a point in time that they no longer remembered her. It was painful, overly so, and Miyabi had to get away from the village and the memories and everything that reminded her of those people she cared for, who no longer were with her, or knew who she was. The two that remained would remember her in time, but the wait itself was long and unbearable. Especially with Luke, and his abrasive nature...it took a great deal of patience to deal with him in this state. Patience Miyabi didn't have with her anger toward the Malnosso. She didn't want to lash out at someone she considered a brother just because he was different. She just...just...

She needed someone to be here. Someone special, who wouldn't talk, and just listen. Someone who didn't need words to understand. Someone who would just be content with being there for a little while.

But how was she supposed to get Ammy's attention out here? The wolf barely responded to her journal, and Miyabi didn't know a skill strong enough to catch her attention. So, as she flicked a bit of bread into the sand from her bag, waiting for a gull to come close enough to snatch it up, she made a request.

"Please find a white wolf. There are two here - it's the smaller of the two, with one tail. Tell her to come to the ocean, please. A...a friend needs some company."

After that was done, she hesitated, then took out her own journal and scribbled a quick message. First, to someone important, who she hadn't seen in some time.]

[Written | Filtered to Issun - 85%]

How are you doing? If you want, maybe we could paint together some time. Or spar! I bet you're really bored, right?

[Then, to the rest of the village--]

What was your favorite thing to do back where you came from? Or here in Luceti. [A distraction, really, as she waits for Ammy. Plus, she is curious.] Back home, aside from painting, my friends and I would bounce on the tops of mushrooms and see who could bounce the highest. And sometimes we'd have snow fights in the Oina village, too. Or roll snowballs and see who'd make the biggest - a lot of the Oina children liked to do that with us.

[Miyabi keeps her journal open, in case of voice replies, but lays down on the warm sand in the shade. It was insanely hot again today, but she didn't want to go into the water, unless someone close by - who she knew - dragged her in. Dozing off in the shade seemed much better, until Ammy got here, if she did. Or, say, someone else happened to be passing through.]

[char] - vash the stampede, [char] - issun, ronery she's so roneryyy, ammyyyy ;_;, [char] - keimi, [char] - grune, issun (is an idiot), [char] - ian kolansky, malnosso jerkbags, [char] - amaterasu, [char] - ginia solana

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