Aomori part 2 - Oirase Keiryuu + Hirosaki Park Cherry Blossoms 05.2023

Sep 01, 2023 09:41

Finally got around to scaling down a few pictures from my Tohoku trip!
Reaching LJ's picture storage limit and photobucket is a real money monger since they're closing down all free accounts  -_-  I guess I'll be linking from another image hosting site like flickr once I reach my limit, but until then, gotta shrink everything down as much as possible XD

Oirase Keiryu
The Oirase Keiryu is divided into a few sections and the whole thing to lake Towada is walkable in 3-4 hours one way. SInce we were staying inside the gorge already, our hotel provides a shuttle to the halfway point every hour starting at 6am! So of course, we took the 6am shuttle out and decided to walk back before breakfast. If we spent 2 days here, we definitely would've gone to the lake!

First stop - Shiraito no Taki

I could stay here all day! It's so peaceful and serene and pretty~~~

Ashura Rapids

Every scene was picture perfect but we had to hurry back for breakfast so I could only do a few quick snaps along the way.

Such contrast compared to the rapids!


Sooo we cheated and took the shuttle back on its way back to the hotel since it was starting to drizzle a little!
At least we had time for a quick bath before another delicious apple-filled breakfast!

Views of the water from the terrace~ May was already a little chilly outside in the morning though. Must be freezing in the winter!

Aomori Mountain range

Beech forest with snow!

Our next stop was Hirosaki city since they're famous for the cherry blossoms at the castle. There's a little crane in the corner on the grass! I was fiddling to change lenses to my telezoom and it flew away =(

Imagine all these beautiful old cherry trees blooming along the river... a few days before this picture.

At least there were still a few trees blooming for us! (like 6)

Even though most flowers were already starting to wilt, it was still really gorgeous! After a nice walk through the castle grounds, we went to experience Hirosaki's other local specialty - apple tarts! This was at a cute cafe in a Western style building at the Fujita Memorial Garden. They serve all kinds of apple pastries produced by different bakeries in the city along with some yummy apple beverages!  We chose these two =D

Yum! More yummy food on the next stop to Akita next!


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