Awawawawawa x_x

Mar 10, 2007 07:59

Errrrgh I'm so overwhelmed. There's so many things I want to do and I like NEVAR do them. I have ADD. I f**king SWEAR I have ADD. The internet is for Look at all this shit I have to do:

*Translations for Manga Arts
*Translations for Project S.M.U.T.T. (yes, that's its name. XD)
*Work. Yes, I got a new job with more to do and better pay and I'm not going back to that red-necked dairy whip place that eats up all my summer night hours DAMMIT.
*Make cosplay items for Tekkoshocon
*Do fanart and stuff for Tekkoshocon
*Make the FMWS Chikai website AND forum
*Get my online manga um......ONLINE again. I'm doing two at a time now!
*Make a website for my church. (I'm aware a Christian like myself should NOT be cursing this much...but I believe in the right to express yourself how you wish XD)
*Make my 2007 calendar.I'm doing KyoshiroxKuu for March YAY XD
*Play and beat Disgaea so my friends quit bothering me. XD
*Play and beat Kingdom Hearts so my friends quit bothering me.XD
*Play DDR so I stop sucking so much XD
*Finish watching a ton of shit
*Finish READING a ton of shit
*Clean my room. (oh ho that's a task and a HALF)
*Make AMVs. I've got beautiful ideas for them. I also have a good idea on how to make them without those damn subtitles...If my idea works, then I won't have to wait for year 2045 when shittyViz gets all of Full Moon released! Oh joy.
*Make a siggy for a girl who worships my signatures at Anime Lyrics forum. XD I'm so flattered...

I really think I'm going to need to make a goddamn schedule. Especially for this month. x_x Like give myself an hour to do this and an hour to do THAT and just keep at it for each day....blargh....we'll see how long THAT lasts. XD

I want an effing drawing table in my room. Because my PC takes up all my desk space, not to mention the 93785902750987 cds next to it. And if I draw on my bed, there's eraser shavings all over the sheets and pencils poking me in the back when I wake up in the morning. I also have a tendency to just fall asleep everytime I get NEAR that bed. It's eeevil.

Oooh speaking of eeevil, you know what else is EEEEVIL? Plastic bags. Plastic bags are the root of eeevil. I hate them. If any of you dear readers work at any type of store, you know how eeeevil they are.

Um....about my manga and stuffs...those of you who are waiting for it, wingedrivers XD it IS one of my top priorities and I'm trying to get Photoshop fixed up so I can make it really awwwesome. I downloaded like 50 million brushes the other day and well, what do you know, most of them say "File not compatible"
kjfoeijftoiewjfroierjf NOT COMPATIBLE!? F**K!!! I'LL SHOW YOU COMPATIBLE, YOU PIECE OF-!!!

ehe I have to either install a new version (which I'm doing now) or find new brushes.....meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh
I blame it on the webmaster of that brush site. It doesn't say "brush can only be used in...." It's their fault. It's certainly not MY fault. Don't you know me? It's NEVER my fault. XD

I have to redraw sheeeyat too...cause I'm anal like that. And I'm doing Suisho No Tsuki at the same time as well. Because that IS my first work and I want to be known for it first.....I guess....


Thanx for showing me the outtakes. XD BERSERKEEER!! Oh I did some research and the guy who plays Griffith is the gay dude in Magic User's Club (that anime we watched, y'know XD)and um that song "I Can't Say No" is from Oklahoma. XDDD I KNEW I heard it before. hehehe.

Joy's has the Magic User TV series but only the subbed one nuuuuu omg you've corrupted me. I only wanna watch the dub of it now. XD Thanks a lot! XDDDD

Oh oh I got you a free FMP postcard thingy that you can put on yer waaaall!! XD
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