Oct 21, 2006 23:13
Not like this title was inspired by a certain popular adult-oriented animated series about a certain dysfunctional family on a certain network. Lol
But you know what really grinds my gears?
There's a quiet place in my school called the "sun room", okay? Everyone goes there for down time-whether it's to study or just relax. So one day I'm in there readin Negima, ok because when I read, I NEED QUIET. So I'm in the sun room with two other decent considerate people who are nice and quiet and being studious when these TWO F**KING GIRLS come along and TALK SO ALL CAN HEAR THE ENTIRE TIME THEY'RE THERE. They were there for like a half-hour, just gossiping away, blah blah blah, NOT CARING that others around them needed quiet in order to study or read. I got irritated but said nothing, the wuss that I am. And then, like two or three weeks later, it happened AGAIN. Same girls. Only there were THREE of them this time. WTF people? I'm sorry but that's just F**KING RUDE! If you wanna gossip with your stupid little friends, IT'S CALLED THE F**KING CAFETERIA DAMMIT!! And I mean EVERYONE knows that room is supposed to stay quiet........*mutter mutter* I'm venting my anger here because the most I could do at the school was roll my eyes and give exasperated sighs or toss glares when they weren't looking. So why didn't I say anything? Cause I didn't want to be viewed as "that little bitch in the sun room" by these dumb girls I didn't even know.
You know what ELSE really grinds my gears? When people STARE over your shoulder when you're trying to talk or role-play on AIM! It's ANNOYING! I mean, they just WATCH you because they're bored. Get yer own laptop, dammit. I can't role-play properly when they DO that kind of shit! It's like GO AWAY, YOU, but yes, again, I'm just too effing nice to tell them so. Therefore precious RP time is sacrificed. I'm so sorry Chibi Mitsuki-chan! >_< *glomp*
And yes, there's something else that really grinds my gears. Algebra. Yes, the math.What the hell does algebra have to do with being a manga-ka? Or a goddamn voice actor? I'd like to find the asshole who made the rule that ALGEBRA is required to get into a four-year college and cram my last flunked test UP HIS ASS.
F**K ALGEBRA because I'm incapable of learning it.
Here ends my bitching of stuff for today. I may bitch some more if I need to. Um it's not like today was bad or anything-no it was a good day today but this was a long-overdue rant. ^_^;