Stole it from
angelika20 who apparently... stole it from
smilling_kiddo who stole it from
superman who stole it from
angelchann who stole it from
cherri_oro xDD
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question, even if it doesn't make sense.
4. No cheating D: It's not as fun if you cheat.
What does next year have in store for me?
Love and Dream - Ya-Ya-Yah (wow. xD)
What's my love life like?
OMG Flame of Love - Yaotome Hikaru. xD
What do I think when I get up in the morning?
Only You - Mi (from Bokura Ga Ita. I'm guessing Inoo is that "you". xD)
What song will I dance to at my wedding?
Some Rap from Ya-Ya-yah.(←20050508) dunno the title. sorry. =_=*
whatta wedding song. xD
What do you want as a career?
Midnight Shuffle - Ya-Ya-Yah
Your favorite saying?
Harmony of December - KinKi Kids
Favourite place?
Kimi wa Kimi da yo - Masuda Takahisa
(where the hell is that? O_o)
What do you think of your parents?
Stronger without You - J.J. Express
omg rly?
What's your pornstar name?
eehhh.. i don't know this song.. xD
something inoo sang at a concert? (goes like, "Suki da yo suki suki ii suki suki. awasete suki suki ii suki suki)
Where would you go on a first date?
Chance to Change - Hey!Say! JUMP
Drug of choice?
Otokomae Samba - Hey!Say! JUMP
Describe yourself:
Memories - Hey!Say! JUMP
The song that best describes my school principal?
I wo Kure - Hey!Say!7
What is my state of mind like at the moment?
Seishun Amigo - Ya-Ya-Yah
How will I die?
uhm.. Sekai Jyu no Dare Yori Mo Kitto - Yabu Kota and Yamapi
Your name is?
Ai wa Hitotsu - Nakajima Yuto
↑ lolz
How old are you?
Stoneage(?) - Ya-Ya-Yah
omg. I'm a Heisei born woman!
I am labelled what?
Night and Day - Ya-Ya-Yah
yeah. sorta.
Do you think you're messed up?
Beautiful - Ya-Ya-Yah
beautifully messed up?!
Your family thinks you are?
Marui Chikara - TegoMass
Friends think you are?
Ketsui No Asa Ni - Aqua Timez (in the morning of decision? derision, maybe. or delusion.)
Teachers (past or present) think you are?
Doki Doki Ichinensen. xD
Strangers say to you:
strangers shout to me, "BON BON!" lolz.
Your mom:
Our Future - Yaotome Hikaru and Chinen Yuri
People are:
Star Time - Hey!Say! JUMP
Right now you are:
ughhh.. another song i don't know. its by J.J. express
I wish I was:
Oretachi no Seishun (Original Karaoke)
Love is:
Ai Sekai - Ya-Ya-Yah
You like:
Lollipop + Singing for You - Ya-Ya-Yah
Are you in a relationship?
Mayonaka no Answer - Yabu Kota
If you've ever been in love, how was it?
Just Wanna Lovin' You - Ya-Ya-Yah
I want:
Hoshi wo Mezashite - NEWS
I need:
Hoshikuzu no Beru - NEWS+Yabu Kota
It's Friday, I'm:
Shounen no Mama - JJ Express
that's remaining young, right?
Music is:
Love Me Baby - JJ Express
Freedom of speech?
Up Down Ya-Ya-Yah - Ya-Ya-Yah
hell yeah!
Kaze no Mukou E - Arashi
keeconk Just leave a comment and I will:
1. Tell you why I friended you.
2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, a word etc.
3. Tell you something I like about you.
4. Tell you a memory I have of you.
5. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
6. Tell you my favorite user pic of yours.
7. In return, you must post this in your LJ.
Comment Keyphrase (xD): Don't be stupid.
Spread the love people!