Paper Training Advice

Nov 15, 2006 10:34

My Chihuahua, Romeo, is two years old. I've always taken him and my other dog outside to go to the bathroom, but after finding a certain kind of mess under my children's bed, I was forced to reevaluate the best thing for Romeo. He has always shown that he prefers to go to the bathroom in the house on certain things (e.g. articles of clothing, paper). Whether this is because it's really what he prefers or if it's because he doesn't have a strong bladder, I have decided to start paper training him.

The picture below is his current setup. I put him into it first thing in the morning until he's done his business, and then I take him out to play for awhile before I put him back in there. At least, that's the plan. Today is the first day of training, and it isn't starting off on the right foot. He's held his bladder for more than twelve hours, not wanting to pee because he's where he can be seen by me and he thinks I'm going to scold him when he finally goes on the papers. I'm trying to wait him out, but I'm becoming concerned that he might hurt himself if he doesn't let loose soon. I don't want to cave and take him out because that would defeat the purpose of this training. If I take him out now and then put him in the pen in a few hours, he'll only hold it then. And he'll continue to hold it until I finally cave and take him outside again. I want to take him out of the pen for some play time, but I can't until he's gone or he'll lift his leg against my furniture.

Any tips for paper training an adult dog?

Romeo in his ex-pen.
(Please don't mind my kids' toy in the foregound.)

housetraining, paper training

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